A Letter From R’ Shimon Freundlich of Beijing China, Written on Purim


Why I returned to the Air China office on Purim:

After my encounter at the central Air China office in Beijing Chaoyang District last week – when I felt bad for the lady who spent 3 hours helping me, and then returning the next day to show my understanding and appreciation for the difficulty and tremendous stress of her job, especially during this time – It dawned on me that she’s not the only one in the office that is working hard trying to please everyone with the ever changing policies, which results in everyone changing their tickets multiple times through and to various destinations.

I therefore decided that today, on the festival of Purim, which is a holiday all about giving, as it is written at the very end of the Megillah in the story of Purim משלוח מנות ומתנות לאביונים – gifts of food and money to those in need – that I would take 2 big baskets, one filled with delicious fruits and the other with masks, hand sanitizer (pocket size and big bottles), disinfectant wipes, surgical gloves, and present it to all the staff in this central office of Air China.

The reason this holiday is synonymous with giving, is because, giving to another person brings you closer to that person.

Allow me to explain:

The entire story of Purim is devided into 4 parts:

1) First the story begins describing the disunity amongst the Jewish people of that time.

2) Second came a decree from the king that threatened their very/entire existence.

3) Third came the unity when Esther, the heroen of this story, tells Mordechai, the leader of the Jewish people of that time לך כנוס את כל היהודים – go and gather all of the Jews to learn Torah and Pray, meaning: tell the Jewish people that they must UNITE TOGETHER, if they want my influence as the queen to work. My political connections is a logistical technicality in this plan of yours, but it’s the אחדות-unity that will bring about their salvation.

4) Forth came the salvation and this beautiful holiday.

At first the Air China staff were reluctant to accept the gifts, and I know why. You see, one of the most beautiful characteristics of the Chinese people, is their genuine humility. The Air China staff truly didn’t feel deserving of receiving these gifts, but after I assured them as a customer that they were deserving of them and that in this trying time all the citizens of China have become united more than ever, coupled with the fact that it is a Jewish tradition on this holiday to give gifts of fruit as well as what people need, they accepted it. They also asked if they could take a picture to share with their friends and family. It is for this reason I’m sharing this with you, my friends and family.

Happy Purim and may we always merit to be on the giving side 🙏🏻

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