RL Hatzalah Reminding the Community of Proper Pool Safety Tips


With the summer months here and pools open across all of our neighborhoods, please keep these pool safety tips in mind and review them with your family.
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🏊  Never go into the water alone. Make sure an adult and/or parent is present at all times.
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🏊  Ensure that all pools have locked and alarmed fences surrounding them.
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🏊  Walk, don’t run. Running increases the chances of slips and falls on wet surfaces, resulting in serious injury. β €

🏊  Keep the pool covered when not in use.
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🏊  Clear the pool of toys so kids aren’t tempted to enter unsupervised.
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🏊  If a child is missing in the home, be sure to check the pool area first.
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🏊  Keep rescue equipment and a first aid kit by the pool.
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🏊  Keep Hatzalah’s phone number handy and displayed on the phone closest to the pool. β €
🏊 Ensure important info (address, family name, Hatzalah’s emergency info, etc.) is listed boldly on the walls surrounding the pool area.
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🏊  It’s tempting to spend hours lounging in the pool. Remember to drink water during the day & to apply sunscreen.
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🏊  If you’re not a comfortable swimmer, take lessons. They’re a fun way to feel more confident on pool days.
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