Danny Goldstein’s People’s Party Fighting for Our Lawrence’s Children



The Village of Lawrence is wonderful community, a treasure on Long Island’s picturesque south shore. The community is blessed with lush tree lined streets, stately homes, and scenic views. Shockingly a place as beautiful and as special as Lawrence is absent many critical recreational amenities namely specially designated bike lanes and a world class park.

Amid this pandemic more and more families have taken to biking around the neighborhood. This likely increases the risk of biking accidents. Therefore, more must be done to ensure our village is supporting our residents by creating genuine bike lanes on our most traveled streets.

A June 2019 study published in the Journal of Transport & Health, found that cities and towns which installed separate bike lanes were seen to have demonstrated a significant decline in fatalities for all road users, namely pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. After analyzing traffic crash data over a 13-year period in areas with separated bike lanes on, the study’s researchers estimated that municipalities’ with bike lanes were shown to have a 44% less accident related fatalities and a 50% reduction in serious injuries.

Sadly, but unsurprisingly, as mayor, Alex Edelman has opposed the installation of bike lanes at every opportunity, despite the overwhelming need and the accumulation of data showing its ability to save lives. He has relentlessly opposed efforts to install bike lines despite the will of the Village’s democratically elected Board of Trustees. His obstinacy and refusal to do what is best for all our residents, but especially our children is appalling.

Even worse, Edelman has fought tirelessly against the creation of a state-of-the-art park and playground for Lawrence’s children. It is not an exaggeration to say that Alex Edelman’s vision for Lawrence is not really kid friendly. Our kids lack a safe and pleasant place to play, nonetheless Edelman wants to build a private indoor pool complex for the members of the golf course, the overwhelming majority of whom are not even Lawrence residents.

This unpopular and costly proposal must be stopped. This silly indoor pool structure, otherwise known as “Alex’s Folly,” is an unnecessary waste of money and is quite inappropriate in these challenging financial times. The number of families in Lawrence hit hard via the economic crash brought on by the pandemic is higher than most would imagine. This is the absolute worst time to embark on such a ridiculous proposal, especially when you learn that the facility would likely not permit children, if Edelman gets his way.

We believe that most of the proceeds from the sale of the old sewer facility on Rock Hall Road for the construction of new single-family homes, must be used to shore up any revenue shortfall as we navigate this unprecedented national economic crisis. Alex Edelman is clearly out of touch as he obviously does not understand and likely does care about the concerns of most of Lawrence’s residents. Sadly, in Alex Edelman’s Lawrence there are two kinds of residents, friends of Alex and well everyone else.

As mayor Danny Goldstein will prioritize the needs of all our residents equally, including our children, with a new playground and safe state of the art bike lanes, as well as cost effective infrastructure repairs all the while holding the line on any and all tax increases. The People’s Party’s slate of trustees namely Bruce Backman, co-founder of Re-Open New York and the highly esteemed Dr. Joel Preminger is committed to working tirelessly to make Lawrence work for all if its residents both young and old.


-Bruce Backman is a candidate for Trustee in the Village of Lawrence and is a small business owner and was most recently a spokesman for Re-Open New York, a coalition of small businesses adversely affected by the recent Covid-19 Lockdown

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  1. Danny Goldstein, we all see through the negative advertising and fake information and it’s a real turn off! I don’t know you personally, but the angry attacks and lies make me not want to vote for you, even if I believed any of it. Lawrence residents know that Alex Edelman has been a great mayor kept the taxes down and opposes overdevelopment in the 5T. This negative campaign you’re running only paints you in a bad light.

  2. I don’t get the petition for bike lanes. No one in my neighborhood cares about that. Most of us don’t even have sidewalks, there’s not much car traffic here in Lawrence. Also, our kids don’t “Lack a safe and pleasant place to play”, that’s laughable. We have backyards, and we do have a nice park nearby. Let’s get real, all Goldstein really cares about is his apartment complex that’s going to ruin the 5T.

  3. Who’s this guy Backman anyway? He’s obviously not that informed about Lawrence. Why would anyone align themselves with Goldstein ? What has Backman ever done for this community? What’s with all the ridiculous attacks?

  4. If you want safety for our kids. bike lanes pale in comparison to the need to curb speeding, enforce full stop signs and limit double parking which narrows the roadway and forces bikers to swerve into the oncoming traffic lane.Bike paths are for NYC, civility on the roadways is for the 5 towns! Mel Young

  5. If you want safety for our kids. bike lanes pale in comparison to the need to curb speeding, enforce full stop signs and limit double parking which narrows the roadway and forces bikers to swerve into the oncoming traffic lane.Bike paths are for NYC, civility on the roadways is for the 5 towns!

  6. I would have given Goldstein a chance. Now, with the name calling I am for sure not voting for him. He should know better than to try and attract frum votes through such a vile and disgusting campaign.

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