Eliyahu Still Needs Our Help After Being Hit by Car, Medical Complications


We all know Eliyahu. Before he was unfortunately hit by a car, there was not a week that went by that we did not see him either riding his bike or walking around our shul – giving us the opportunity to help him. He never outrightly asked for help, though, and because of his genuine and infectious smile, you would walk away feeling the truth, that Eliyahu was doing you the favor. The yetzer hara to be stingy would disappear, and Eliyahu allowed us to give tzedaka in its purest form and with true simcha.

After his accident, the Jewish community rallied around Eliyahu, and we were Baruch HaShem able to raise over $75,000 for him and his family in his time of great need. But it was not enough.

The money went towards the families many expenses, from overdue mortgage payments to the many hospital and rehab bills not covered by insurance. Unfortunately, at the time of the accident, Eliyahu broke many bones, including his legs, many ribs and collarbone. Surgeries were done, plates were inserted, and a long rehab process begun and continues.

Today, Eliyahu still has broken bones in his legs that may not ever fully heal. He also contracted meningitis that affected his heart, his speech and his nervous system in devastating ways. Even after all this, though, you would still not know by speaking to him or his family as they are truly ba’alei simcha.

++Bottom line: He needs our help.++


I have been in touch with Eliyahu’s family, and they are so grateful for what the community has done for them that they feel they do not have the right to ask for more. They feel that even though Eliyahu is in a difficult place and that they are being crushed by expenses, that they are truly blessed since the Jewish community and the world at large was also affected in an unimaginable way during this pandemic.

However, we still need to do our part. Hashem is giving us the opportunity to step up again and help a friend in need. A person who has given us the opportunity to merit the mitzvah of tzedaka on countless occasions. We must seize the opportunity to give now and generously in order to obtain merits for us and our family, while saving a Jew and his family in the process.

The Midrash (Bereshit Rabbah 61:3) states: If a poor man comes to your door in the morning –give him! If he comes to you again in the evening –give him! Because you never know which of the two mitzvot will be recorded for your future generations.

I know that this is the second time we are creating a fund, and we may feel like we already did our part. But the opportunity must have arisen for a reason. We never know what calamity could chas veshalom strike in the future, and unfortunately we may already see it firsthand in our own lives during this time, but, if not, we surely see what true struggle is in the life of our friend, Eliyahu.

Let us seize the opportunity to help ourselves, and Eliyahu in the process.

May the merit of this _tzedaka _stand for you and your family forever.

Tizku L’Mitzvot!



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