SHOCKER: Jews Kicked Off Plane for Unmasked Baby, While John Kerry Flies Maskless


Orthodox Jews have been kicked off planes several times over the last couple of months for having young children not wearing masks, yet when it comes to politicians and others somehow airline staffers seem not to bother.

Frontier Airlines is the most recent airline facing accusations of anti-Semitism after videos circulated online of the airline kicking a Hasidic family off a plane because of violations over its mask requirements.

The family claims that its members were properly masked on the Sunday night flight from Miami to New York City, except for an 18-month-old baby, according to videos posted by OJPAC, an Orthodox Jewish advocacy group. Others who said they were on the flight recalled watching some people high-five after the family left the plane.

Meanwhile, White House Climate Envoy John Kerry is currently responding to accusations of liberal hypocrisy after photos of him flying with a mask dangling from one ear circulated on social media.


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