MK Porush Pulled Out of Knesset After Reciting Tehillim In Protest


MK Gilad Kariv, a Reform Jew, on Rosh Chodesh morning decided it was a fine idea to bring a Sefer Torah into the Ezras Nashim of the Kosel. A group of women from Women of the Wall promptly took the Torah and began to read from it, which caused quite a tumult by the Kotel and eventually was put to a stop.

MK Meir Porush in response walked into the Knesset and began reciting Tehillim while seated on the floor in protest of the incident. MK Kariv had been asked by members of the Western Wall Foundations to not act in such a way thereby causing anguish to the Religious, but he chose to ignore such requests.

MK Porush was physically removed from the Knesset while yelling “I will come back daily and recite Tehillim until Gilad stops this!”.


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