Eliyah Hawila Shares His Emotional Side of the Story After Marrying Syrian Woman [Zev Brenner]


Eliya Hawila, a Lebanese Shi’ite who managed to marry a Sephardi woman in NYC, because he ‘fooled everyone’ that he was a Jew, has finally spoke out since the story broke.

Hawila claims in the interview that he never identified as a Muslim, and sought out Judaism due to a spiritual emptiness inside of him. Hawila admitted having lied about his heritage, while emphasizing his continuing interest in converting to Judaism.

He also claims he did not convert because he once reached out to a reform institution, but never heard back from them. Having felt rejected, he decided to fake being jewish in order to avoid further rejection.

In a very emotional interview he describes his story start to finish, begs his former Jewish wife for forgiveness and requests anyone who would be willing to give him a Kosher conversion.

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