INCREDIBLE: Why Was R’ Wallerstein’s Zt’l Tallis Bag Full of Piercings?


Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein zt’l had certain things he just didn’t like. Smart phones was high up on that list. In fact, his entire life he had a flip phone and was still able to accomplish all the incredible things that he did during his lifetime.

R’ Wallerstein was also bothered when his students would have additional, unnecessary piercings. One particular student named “Abby”, had a tongue piercing that really bothered him. As hard as he tried talking to her, he just couldn’t get her to remove it. “This piercing is my identity Rabbi Wallerstein. It’s who I am. I wouldn’t give it up for a million dollars!”, she would tell him after he offered her $500. Rabbi Wallerstein made her a deal that if she gave it up, he would pierce it into his tallis so he would think of her every single time he davens. She thought for a minute and then agreed.

From that point on, many of his students had their piercings placed onto his Tallis bag. It became a real masterpiece. He always told his students, “One day I will be buried with it”. Yesterday, he was.

R’ Wallerstein tells over this story in his classic humorous and captivating way. Please watch it and comment your thoughts below.

May his Nishama have an Aliyah and the family a Nechama.


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