MI Kiamcha: Despite Tragedy, St. Thomas Shluchim Welcome Yeshiva Week Visitors


Source: Chabas.org

Despite the tragedy that befell Chabad Shluchah to the Virgin Islands Rebbetzin Henya Federman six weeks ago, Chabad Lubavitch of the Virgin Islands has devotedly assured that all the amenities so many have become accustomed to are fully available to Yeshiva Week vacationers this season.

Daily Minyanim (and rides) for all Tefillos, chavrusa learning, communal Friday night meals, well-stocked Shabbos buffet kiddush, daily kosher food service, and more are all available at JewishVirginIslands.com.

Even as Rebbetzin Henya Federman continues to fight for her life at the Specialty Hospital of Central Jersey, her husband Rabbi Asher — aided by devoted local community members, close family and fellow Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries — was determined to ensure that his wife’s signature hachnasat orchim for Yeshiva Week guests would continue unabated.

Rabbi Federman explained that because of their responsibility to Klal Yisrael — as Shluchim of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory — it is paramount to his family that all people who seek the help of their Chabad House continue to be fully welcomed and helped. He further shared that he and his children consider this approach also to be as a personal merit for Rebbetzin Federman and a spiritual contribution to her recovery, G-d willing.

Rabbi and Mrs. Mendel Galperin from Florida and Rabbis Menachem Wolf (Melbourne) and Zelig Katzman (Omaha, Nebraska), were recruited to run the activities at Chabad Lubavitch of the Virgin Islands over the next two weeks. A full kosher menu is available for delivery and daily minyanim and learning opportunities are available as well.

This effort follows closely the largest-ever illumination of the Virgin Islands during Chanukah less than a month ago when hundreds of locals and thousands of tourists participated in the Chanukah mitzvahs, with many opting in to additional mitzvahs. (One example: Nearly 50 Jewish men of all ages who never put on Tefillin in their lives donned Tefillin in merit of Rebbetzin Federman’s recovery.)

Meanwhile, per Talmudic custom, the family added a name to Rebbetzin Federman, and ‘round-the-clock tefillah, tzedakah and all kinds of maasim tovim continue worldwide in merit of the complete and speedy recovery of Rebbetzin Henya Rivkah bat Brachah Devorah Leah.

(One particularly standout mitzvah example among practically countless others: In Rebbetzin Federman’s merit, Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos across the globe successfully encouraged nearly 1,000 women worldwide to use the mikvah for the very first time in their lives!)

The Federman family and fellow Shluchim and Shluchos worldwide request that people continue to increase all personal and communal prayer, Torah and mitzvah efforts in merit of Rebbetzin Federman whose entire being is devoted to Klal Yisrael.

In that vein, a letter the Federmans’ oldest child Moussia wrote to her island community back home while sitting at her mother’s bedside in New Jersey has been ricocheting around the world, nourishing people’s faith even amid her family’s heartbreaking circumstances.

© Aisha-Zakiya Boyd
© Aisha-Zakiya Boyd
© Aisha-Zakiya Boyd

Hanukkah party at Lilienfeld House. The St. Thomas Jewish Community builds the island’s first Can Menorah at Lilienfeld House. 1 December 2013. © Aisha-Zakiya Boyd

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