Hillcrest High School Hateful Acts Did Not Begin This Week


Earlier this week, 5TownsCentral reported the despicable incident of a Jewish teacher in Hillcrest High School who barricaded herself in an office from a pro-Hamas mob of students for two hours.

This came after someone had noticed that she had uploaded a picture to her Facebook page of her supporting Israel.

This very school had an officer beat up just one week ago by a student, and the school tried to cover it up. Mayor Adams anounced that the NYC School system is already conducting a full investigation into how this incident took place. This week, Project Pivot teams will begin outreach with students at Hillcrest to ensure they understand why this behavior was unacceptable.

Chancellor Banks held a conference yesterday addressing the recent events at Hillcrest High School:

Many local leaders and politicians rallied Monday morning to inform NYC Education leaders that this cannot continue.

Councilwoman Vickie Paladino, who has been an absolute beacon of moral clarity, shared thoughts below:

“An anonymous source within the DOE shared a video (see below) with my office of students at Hillcrest High School brutally attacking a uniformed school safety officer.

This event apparently happened a week before the riot.

The school administration tried to cover this up in the same way they tried to cover up the riot.

It’s clear that the administration of Hillcrest is totally compromised and either unwilling or unable to do what’s necessary to provide a safe environment to their students or their faculty. Furthermore, they seem more than willing to cover up crimes committed by their students in service of a political narrative, and to prevent these criminal students from facing consequences.

Were it not brought to the attention of my office, this may have remained covered up. And who knows what else they’re hiding at this point.

This cannot continue. Hillcrest High School must be shut down pending a full and thorough investigation, and the administration must be held accountable. Furthermore, the students who committed these acts must be arrested immediately and face appropriate criminal charges.

This cannot continue in our schools. Order and discipline must be restored. We’ve tried ‘progressive’ educational theory for far too long, and it’s gotten us absolutely nowhere. Our students and our city deserve far better than this.”

The “NYC Common Sense Caucus” shared the following statement on the antisemitic rioting and rampant criminal behavior at Hillside High.

For the safety of children who want to learn and teachers who want to teach, the criminals must be identified, charged and removed from the school.


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