WhatsApp has become a prime target for fraudsters. A recent scam involves tricking users into giving away their verification codes, resulting in loss of account control. A 5TC admin personally received such a scam text and did not respond, the image below was from an actual contact saved in his phone.
How the Scam Operates
Step 1: Initiation
Scammers enter your phone number into WhatsApp, generating a legitimate verification code sent to your device via text message (actual screenshot below).
Step 2: Deceptive Contact
Posing as a trusted friend or family member, scammers contact you through WhatsApp, claiming they mistakenly used your number and need the verification code.
Step 3: Account Takeover
If you share the code, scammers gain full access to your WhatsApp account, locking you out and using your account for further scams.
What Scammers Do with Your Account
Targeting Contacts
Scammers message your contacts, pretending to be you, and request money or sensitive information.
Data Theft
They access your message history to gather personal details for further fraud or to hack other online accounts.
Spreading the Scam
The cycle continues as they attempt to trick more victims into sharing their verification codes.
How to Protect Yourself
Never Share Verification Codes
Treat your WhatsApp verification code like a password. Neither WhatsApp nor anyone else should ever ask for it.
Enable Two-Step Verification
Add an extra layer of security by requiring a PIN in addition to the verification code when logging in. Enable this in WhatsApp settings (Account > Two-step verification).
Be Skeptical of Urgent Requests
Even if a message appears to come from a familiar contact, verify their identity through a phone call or another method before responding to requests for money or personal information.
Report and Block Suspicious Messages
Report suspicious messages or accounts within WhatsApp by pressing and holding the message bubble, selecting “Report,” and following the instructions.
Stay vigilant and protect your WhatsApp account from scams by following these guidelines. If you have minors or seniors which may be unaware of such scams, please be sure to inform them as well
Yes this is so true i made this mistake thinking it was my BF and gave the code and next thing i knew i was getting charge for stuff tht i didnt do so be very careful in whatsapp and also in zangi they arein zangi .