Report Exposes Foreign Influence & Targeted Bias Against Jewish Schools in NYC


The Network Contagion Research Institute and the New York City Public School Alliance have released findings revealing the influence of foreign-linked organizations in shaping NYC public school curricula, embedding anti-Israel and, at times, antisemitic perspectives. Additionally, a recent FOIL request uncovered that NYC officials exclusively targeted Jewish schools in Brooklyn with inspections and citations during COVID, while non-Jewish private and charter schools were not subjected to the same scrutiny.

The report underscores how groups like NYC Educators for Palestine allegedly collaborate with foreign-backed entities to infuse classrooms with anti-Israel sentiment. Among the biased materials found in classrooms are maps funded by Qatar that exclude Israel, narratives depicting Jews as “colonizers,” and resources from the Zinn Education Project and Teach Palestine, which some parents say downplay or even omit the violent history of Hamas, portraying the organization as political rather than terrorist.

Resources from Al Jazeera and the Middle East Children’s Alliance, both with alleged ties to groups labeled as terrorist organizations, have also been made available to NYC educators, raising concerns about biased portrayals that ignore Jewish and Israeli perspectives. The combination of foreign influence within the classroom and the recently uncovered selective COVID-era inspections highlights systemic issues of bias, leaving many concerned about the fair treatment and educational environment of Jewish students across the city.



  1. The Saudis have been writing our history books for many years. Oil money has been paying for the texts.
    The movie EXODUS has been banned many times because it offends muslims, TRUTH offends them. The hebrew bible offends them.There offensive words ,even when false cant be banned because that may offend them

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