Rabbi Litvin: Some Heroes Don’t Wear Shoes


Rabbi Shlomo Litvin and his wife, Shoshi, lead Chabad of the Bluegrass, serving eastern Kentucky and running the Chabad Jewish Student Center at the University of Kentucky.

While distributing blankets and supplies to the homeless, Rabbi Litvin encountered a Christian woman standing barefoot in eight inches of snow. Without hesitation, he removed his own boots and gave them to her, ensuring her safety amid the dangerously cold temperatures.

In an act of selflessness, Rabbi Litvin proved what it means to be a true hero and a beacon of kindness.

Mi Kiamcha Yisroel!


  1. Why didn’t he invite her to live in his Habad house, to spread light? Is that a way, to leave those people on the street?

  2. Much appreciation to Rabbi and his wife who showed much more compassion than the ‘haters’ who have responded. We are all called to show compassion and care for the ‘least of these’. Open your 💕 Shalom

  3. Billie Mallory there’s no haters in here just people that are fed up with this so-called rabbi who is not really liked as people think he is like. He does nothing but cause a Target on him and makes problems with many different groups. I’m sick and tired of people like you that thinks that a rabbis word is greater than that of a regular person. I repeat I’m sick and tired of people that continue to protect rabbis that do bad things like he has done. You can be a simp all you want for this guy but he’s not a good person and he’s got severe issues

  4. He is a typical publicity hound of the Lubavitch Chabad cult. The one that brought us Samuel Boteach, Izzy Goldstein (the fraudster of Chabbad Poway), and many others. A bunch of crooks following their dead false messiah Schneerson.

  5. I dont know the man, but criticism , seems to go to extremes
    Rav Shnereson never claimed to be moshiach and his followers that believed that were a minority within the chabad community.
    Each chabad house is started by a young idealistic rabbi without support from the greater organization. Many of them dont succeed because of finances. The main goal is to bring Judaism to the “lost” jews . BTW I am not a chabadnic and can criticize them for other reasons. I applaud them for their outreach and good deeds, I dont assume that this rabbi had alterior motives, in this particular case anyway.

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