It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the Petirah of Reb Dovid Scheiner zt”l, father of the Rosh Yeshiva R’ Yerachmiel Scheiner Shlita.
The Levaya took place Sunday moring at Mesivta Shaarei Chaim – 716 Beach 9th in Far Rockaway.
Rav Scheiner zt”l was a founding member of Darchei and Kollel Avreichim and a hidden gem in the community.
Shiva will be observed at 204 Pine Street in Lakewood until Monday evening. Shacharis 8:00, Mincha 1:45, and Maariv 6:00. Visitors are asked not to come after 10 pm.
From Tuesday until Friday, Shiva will be observed at 1136 Harris Street in Far Rockaway.
Yihi Zichro Baruch.