Israel to Send Delegation to Turkey to Assist in Relief Efforts Following Catastrophic Quakes


Following a catastrophic 7.9 Magnitude earthquake smacked Turkey, thousands were feared dead, and another quake hit the region early this morning.

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs held an emergency meeting to discuss their response to the disaster in Turkey.

IDF Chief has also ordered rescue units to prepare to deploy in Turkey to aid humanitarian efforts.

CEO of United Hatzalah Eli Pollack said: “As soon as we heard about the scale of the destruction and tragedy, we immediately began to assess the situation and prepare an advanced jump team to provide relief in the wake of the devastating earthquake that has claimed the lives of hundreds of people. During the early hours of the morning, I notified the Foreign Minister, the Defense Minister, the Health Minister, and the head of the National Security Council (NSC) that we are standing at the ready to send a relief mission consisting of doctors, paramedics, EMTs, members of the Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit, and members of the Search and Rescue Units, with medical supplies and humanitarian aid in order to provide assistance to the thousands of people in need in Turkey.”

Buildings in Şanlıurfa, Turkey, are still collapsing due to aftershocks following the massive earthquakes.

In Israel, there were no reports of injuries or damage from the quake. However, the earthquake triggered sirens in multiple Israeli schools; children followed local earthquake protocols.

According to some reports, the death has surpassed 1,600 people and is tragically expected to continue to rise in the coming days.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Turkey.

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