Horrific: Eight Soldiers Killed in Rafah R”L; Motsai Shabbos Updates


A devastating tragedy struck Israel on Shabbos morning when eight IDF soldiers were R”L killed after an engineering armored personnel carrier (APC) exploded in Rafah, as announced by the IDF on Motzei Shabbos.

The incident occurred around 5:00 a.m. as an engineering unit, part of a Givati Brigade, was returning from a night operation to their base for the night. Suddenly, an explosion occurred, setting the fifth or sixth APC in a convoy on fire. It remains unclear if the explosive device was hidden underground or attached to the APC. The initial explosion may have triggered secondary explosions from the explosives carried by the vehicle.

The APC burned for an extended period, preventing rescuers from approaching it for about two hours. Eventually, it was towed to a secure area under Israeli control within the Gaza Strip. The severe damage to the APC indicates a powerful charge.

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Statement on Fallen Soldiers

Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed the nation this evening:

“Citizens of Israel, today we have faced an unbearable loss in our righteous war to defend our homeland. With profound sorrow, I join all citizens of Israel in mourning the death of our brave fighters:

Deputy Company Commander in the Engineering Battalion, Capt. Wassem Mahmoud, along with additional heroic soldiers whose names are yet to be released.

Our hearts are shattered by this terrible loss. The entire nation of Israel stands with the grieving families in their most difficult hour. I stand by our brave fighters and commanders, who are dedicated to the sacred mission of defeating our enemies and securing the return of our hostages.

In times of such heavy sacrifice, let us remember why we fight: to ensure our existence and future, and to bring back all our hostages. This war, forced upon us by a vile and murderous enemy, saw Hamas terrorists invading our kibbutzim, communities, and cities. On Simchat Torah, they butchered, raped, beheaded, burned, dismembered, and abducted our brothers and sisters – infants, children, women, and men, young and old.

This monstrous enemy will not stop unless we make them. Together with the other elements of Iran’s axis of evil, they will persist in trying to destroy us. If we do not stop them, they will not stop. There is no alternative to victory.

Do not be distracted by anything else: Despite the heavy cost, we must remain focused on our goals: dismantling Hamas’s military and governing capabilities, securing the return of all our hostages, ensuring Gaza never again threatens Israel, and bringing our residents safely back home in the north and south.

We are in a challenging war on multiple fronts, including the international stage. We must demonstrate our people’s strength, which has always helped us overcome our enemies. As the saying goes, ‘It is a time of trouble for Jacob but out of it he shall be saved.’

Together we will fight, and with God’s help, we will emerge victorious.”

IDF Spokesperson’s Briefing on Rafah Incident

This evening, IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari delivered difficult news to the families of eight soldiers who fell in action in Gaza. Captain Wassem Mahmoud, Deputy Company Commander, and seven of his soldiers were killed early this morning during an operation in Tel al-Sultan, Rafah. The incident occurred as infantry, armored, and engineering troops from the 401st Brigade advanced into the area, with a powerful explosion striking one of the engineering vehicles, possibly caused by an explosive device or anti-tank missile fire. The explosion killed the eight soldiers inside.

A team from the Ministry of Defense and the IDF will investigate the incident thoroughly. IDF representatives have already informed the families, who are now being supported at this difficult time. We will release the names of the fallen soldiers once all official notifications have been made. We ask everyone to respect the privacy of the families and refrain from publishing names prematurely.

IDF forces continue to make significant progress against Hamas’s military wing, focusing on dismantling the Rafah Brigade’s capabilities. Every day, our troops eliminate many terrorists, destroy weapons, launchers, and rockets, preventing Hamas from renewing attacks on Israeli citizens, as happened on October 7th. Today’s tragedy reminds us of the high price of war and the bravery of our soldiers, who sacrifice their lives for the State of Israel, our common home, for Jews, Druze, Bedouins, Muslims, and Christians alike. Our hearts are with the families in this difficult time.

Last week, the IDF, ISA, and Israel Police’s Yamam unit carried out Operation ‘Arnon,’ returning Noa, Shlomi, Andrey, and Almog to their families. We continue to strive to return all hostages home as soon as possible.

To the residents of the north, we are managing both defensive and offensive operations on the northern border, with the primary goal being the safe return of residents to their homes. We recently eliminated senior Hezbollah official Sami Taleb Abdullah, a key commander in southern Lebanon, who had orchestrated numerous terror attacks and rocket fire against Israeli citizens. This targeted strike is part of our efforts to secure a new reality in the north, allowing residents to return safely.

In response to his elimination, Hezbollah has launched rocket barrages and UAVs, and while most threats are intercepted, defense remains a challenge. Fires have broken out in several locations, exacerbated by the season. Israel Fire and Rescue Services, working with IDF troops, are managing these fires to prevent danger to life. Many residents have been evacuated, and many more face severe daily hardships. To the residents of the north, your resilience and strength amid this hardship bolster all soldiers on the northern border, including many reservists who defend our land day and night.

We continuously assess the situation, making decisions with discretion and responsibility. We are committed to altering the security reality in the north and will not return to the situation before October 7th.”

The Kedoshim Identified:

Sgt. Eliyahu Moshe Zimbalist, 21, from Beit Shemesh

Sgt. Itay Amar, 19, from Kochav Yair

Sgt. Stanislav Kostarev, 21, from Ashdod

Sgt. Or Blumovitz, 20, from Pardes Hanna-Karkur

Sgt. Oz Yeshaya Gruber, 20, from Tal Menashe

Cpt. (res.) Eitan Koplovich, 28, from Jerusalem.

Warrant Officer (res.) Elon Weiss, 49, from Psagot.

May their families find comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, HY”D!

Hero Soldier Yair Roitman HY”D, 19, from Karnei Shomron also succumed to his wounds over Shabbos from a tragedy last week. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, HY”D!

Senior Officer to News 14: “We must speak the truth with courage: either we let the IDF conquer everything and win, or we leave Gaza. We cannot afford indecision; it hurts us. We mourn the lack of leadership. Decide now – and whatever you choose, we will implement it for the best. Make decisions now!”

Biden’s Statement: At a White House event last week, Biden emphasized, “Israel’s security is essential in the region. I am pressuring the Israelis to withdraw and open more humanitarian corridors. We are getting closer. I’ve made clear what they must do in the near term, and what will happen if they don’t.”

Protest Arrests: A small group of protesters in Tel Aviv was arrested after blocking the Ayalon highway again, and another group was detained for lighting fires on the road.

Additional News Bits

Hamas Claims IDF Attack on Al-Mawasi: Hamas has accused the IDF of launching an attack on the al-Mawasi humanitarian evacuation zone near the southern Gaza coast, stating, “The IDF launched an attack from the sea, from the air, and from the land in the humanitarian area of al-Mawasi.” However, the IDF has denied these reports, saying, “Contrary to reports from the last few hours, no attack by the IDF took place in the humanitarian area in al-Mawasi.” This could either be a handling error with explosives or a deliberate misinformation attempt by Hamas.

Anti-Tank Missile Strike in Northern Israel: Hezbollah has fired an anti-tank missile at Moshav Avivim in the north, causing a major fire that burned down chicken coops.

Fire in Nahf: A massive fire broke out in Nahf, an Israeli Arab town near Karmiel, reportedly started by Hezbollah rockets.

Suspension of Schools in Northern Israel: Due to the escalating conflict, schools in some northern towns, including Sasupa, Or Haganuz, Bar Yohai, and Meron, have been suspended. Meanwhile, other towns continue to hold classes.

Car Explosion in Rehovot: A car explosion in Rehovot resulted in two injuries, one with serious burns. Initially thought to be an accident, the investigation revealed terror-related items near the vehicle, leading police to suspect an assassination attempt by car bomb.

Hostage Body Found in Sha’ar HaNegev: The remains of a possible hostage have been located in a field in Sha’ar HaNegev. DNA testing is underway to confirm the identity.

UN Blacklists Israel: The United Nations has officially added Israel to its blacklist, accusing the country of not doing enough to protect children in conflict zones.

Finance Minister’s Statement: Zionist Finance Minister Smotrich announced the transfer of 130 million shekels from the Authority’s frozen funds in the West Bank to Israeli victims of terrorism.

Dennis Ross on Hamas: Former U.S. Middle East Envoy Dennis Ross commented, “The Secretary of State claims that Hamas is delaying a deal. It should be said that ‘Hamas refuses.’ Public pressure is a solution

May this be a week of Besuros Tovos!


  1. Please be careful and DON’T publish names of the dead before it has been cleared by the IDF! We know families who found out that their son through social media and it was extraordinarily painful. PLEASE be sensitive and professional.

  2. Oh my goodness did you really quote IDF instructions not to publish names prematurely then go ahead and publish them a few lines later ??

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