Surrendered: Antisemetic Subway Chanter In Custody


On June 10th, NYC subway riders were in for a frightening experience as a man dressed in traditional Palestinian garb began to chant, “Repeat after me: Raise your hands if you’re a Zionist,” as he warned those in the subway car to leave if they support Israel, yelling, “This is your chance to get out!”

This hate crime was widely reported and today the NYPD has the suspect in custody after he surrendered himself to the police. He has been wanted since earlier this month and is expected to be released today after being processed for charges of coercion. Anas Saleh was later identified as the individual currently under custody.

As antisemetism continues to rise, that same week there were other crimes reported in the NYC area including attacks of vandalism at the private homes of the director of the Brooklyn Museum, who is Jewish, and other members of the board of directors. Outside the Nova Festival exhibit in Manhattan, a huge protest took place where visitors were harassed and intimidated and violence erupted.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams responded to those incidents, saying, “These actions will never be tolerated in New York City for any reason,” Adams said at the time. “This is not peaceful protest or free speech. This is a crime, and it’s overt, unacceptable antisemitism.”

Gov. Hochul: “The actions detailed here are a shameful display of antisemitism and they have no place in New York. We have zero tolerance for hate and this individual should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”

Subway riders can breathe a sigh of relief that this man is off the streets, however, as hate spreads, these incidents are popping up more and more on the subway system and throughout NYC.


  1. This clearly was not charged as a hate crime as if it was charged as a hate crime, the defendant would not have been released on a Desk Appearance Ticket.

  2. As long as Alvin Bragg is DA, these cretins have nothing to fear. He let the Columbia University protesters get away scot free.
    Hypocrites…all of them.

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