Chasdei Hashem: Rescued Hostage Shlomi Ziv Returns Home from the Hospital


Today marked another miraculous milestone for Shlomi Ziv and his family, who was rescued by the IDF along with three other hostages, Noa Argamani, Andrey Kozlov and Almog Meir.

Ziv, 39 years old, was a security guard at the Nova Festival on October 7 and heroically stayed at the event in order to rescue others until he was eventually kidnapped into Gaza by Hamas terrorists. After being saved from months of captivity in an unprecedented rescue, he was brought to Sheba Medical Center to undergo tests and receive treatment. “He has lost a lot of weight, but in general, feels fine,” Ziv’s mother commented on her son’s condition. “He was not physically harmed. He passed the time playing rummy with other hostages and was not aware of everything that was happening in Israel or exposed to Israeli media.”

His family commented that Shlomi was in shock when he heard about everything that had taken place while he was being held. After being cared for in the hospital, he was released today and returned home to his town of Moshav Elkosh in Northern Israel, greeted by crowds of friends from neighboring areas.

Shimon Guetta, the head of the Ma’ale Yosef Regional Council, which administers the Western Galil village, welcomed Shlomi home, saying in his speech, “This is a very exciting day for all of us—to see Shlomi return to his home… G-d willing, we will soon be able to celebrate the return of the other 120 hostages.”

Guy Katz, who lives in a nearby moshav, told Ynet that “this is a ray of hope, as some of our council’s residents are evacuated, and the rest are holding the border towns with an iron fist,” commenting on the constant terror attacks from Hezbollah and the ongoing threat of war in the north. “Together, we will win.”

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