New Bill Introduced to Support IVF Treatments


Americans for IVF, an organization led by Rabbi Moshe Margaretten, has been advocating for access to affordable IVF treatments for all families in need.

R’ Moshe Margaretten is the President and founder of Tzedek Assoc. which began as an organization introducing prison reform legislation and assisting incarcerated individuals. Since then Moshe has become a global advocate for immigrants, and many other social causes.

With 1 in 6 families struggling with infertility, this is a subject that affects people worldwide and in the Jewish community as well. At the moment, the cost of even one IVF treatment is extremely cost prohibitive, forcing families to go into huge debts in order to build their families.

The bipartisan bill introduced to Congress today, called the “Hope with Fertility Services Act,” which would ensure that all families have access to infertility treatments, forcing health insurance companies to cover the costs of the medical procedures.

The bill has received widespread support from all sides and is part of a greater effort to make private insurance companies cover these treatments, which people are currently forced to pay for out of pocket.

According to Rabbi Moshe Margaretten, in an interview with Belaaz, “This breakthrough legislation is an exciting milestone, a first ever bipartisan Republican led bill that will finally correct the injustice of couples being forced to pay out-of-pocket for infertility treatment, bringing light to countless couples who struggle with infertility every single day.”

Ezra Friedlander sat with R’ Margaretten days ago praising him for his efforts regarding this bill.

Senator Ted Crus of Texas who joined the efforts of achieving this bill, said the following: “IVF is a scientific miracle. After the Alabama decision, Democrats and the media callously manipulated the ruling to attack Republicans over IVF. Senator Britt and I have teamed up to protect IVF in all 50 states. This legislation should receive bipartisan support.”

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