Footage From R’ Bender’s Chizuk Trip to Panama


The expanding community in Panama City and its increasing chinuch needs served as a clear call for Torah Umesorah to journey and enrich the community with guidance, resources, and chizuk. It was an instinctive decision. The prominent figures in the Panama Jewish community recognized that when it comes to chinuch, Torah Umesorah is the leading source.

The partnership between Torah Umesorah and Panama City has become a dynamic ongoing collaboration. In April, key members of TU’s Chinuch team journeyed to Panama to engage with six schools, aiming to enhance educational practices. Schools such as Magen David, Academia, Bet Yaakov, Talmud Torah, Instituto Alberto Einstein, Mesivta, and Yeshiva Ketana all gained valuable insights on chinuch resources and programs offered by TU. They greatly appreciated the encouragement and guidance provided.

In May, Rav Yaakov Bender, a member of TU’s Vaad Roshei Yeshiva, and beloved gem of the 5 Towns, visited schools in Panama City to inspire through his guidance and personal example.

His unparalleled warmth and chinuch expertise significantly motivated the community to aim for higher standards of chinuch for their children. Rabbi Chaim S. Neuberger, the National Director, and Rabbi Binyomin Holland, TU’s Director of Development, also visited the schools to establish connections with both lay leaders and educators, fostering collaboration to elevate the standard of chinuch in Panama City. Rabbi and Mrs. Eli Avram, Mr. and Mrs. Moi Azrak, Mr. and Mrs. Solly Azrak, and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hanono were instrumental in organizing this monumental visit by Torah Umesorah to the Jewish community of Panama City. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hanono organized a Q&A session with Rav Bender for the community’s lay leaders, which led to a lively exchange of ideas and valuable insights.


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