Motsai Shabbos Updates from Israel


BDE: 2 Soldiers Killed Before Shabbos

Seargent First Class (res.) Yakir Shmuel Tatelbaum HY”D, age 21, from Ma’ale Adumim, served in the 77th Battalion of the 7th Brigade. Staff Seargent Yair Avitan HY”D, 20 years old from Ra’nana, was in the 890th Battalion of the Paratroopers Brigade. After Shabbos the IDF announced that the two soldiers fell in battle in the Shejaiya neighborhood of Gaza City in northern Gaza on Friday. Other soldiers were severely injured as well.

318 IDF soldiers have fallen in battle in Gaza so far HY”D.

Our heroic soldiers continue to eliminate many terrorists in close combat.

The 7th Brigade Combat had been encircling a civilian area converted into a Hamas compound, while the Paratroopers Brigade was dismantling terrorist buildings, weapons and tunnels.

Noa Argamani speaks for the first time after 246 days as a hostage in Gaza:

“My biggest worry in captivity was for my parents”

“I want to remind everyone that there are still 120 hostages in captivity. Among them is Avinatan Or, my partner, from whom I was separated at the moment of abduction. Although I’m home now, we can’t forget about the hostages who are still in captivity, and we must do everything possible to bring them back home.”

IDF’s 98th Division Strikes Terrorist Stronghold in Shejaiya:

Late last week, the 98th Division launched a decisive operation against terrorists and their infrastructure in the Shejaiya region. Engaging in close-quarters combat and coordinating aerial strikes, the troops have successfully neutralized dozens of terrorists.

Leading the charge, the 7th Brigade Combat Team surrounded a civilian area repurposed by Hamas into a fortified terrorist base. The operation uncovered observation posts, weapon caches, enemy drones, and a long-range rocket launcher positioned dangerously close to schools.

Simultaneously, the Paratroopers Brigade Combat Team focused on dismantling terrorist infrastructure and military buildings. Their efforts led to the discovery of additional weapons and entrances to underground tunnels, further crippling the enemy’s capabilities.

May this be a week of Besuros Tovos!

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