What’s Next for 2024? Questions Remain Over Biden Dropping Out of the Race



After an abysmal and disappointing performance at the first Presidential debate of the 2024 race last Thursday night, politicians from both sides of the aisle have what to say about the Democratic Party’s next steps. After a debate described as “painful to watch,” “humiliating” for Biden and “a mess,” President Joe Biden himself admitted that he did not perform as he would have hoped. The Democratic Party was dealt a huge blow immediately following the debate as newspapers and public figures alike called for the replacement of Biden as Democratic nominee. It is unclear who may follow the current President next, however, one thing is clear: both sides are wondering where things go from here.

In a race assumed to be Trump vs. Biden, no questions asked, there are now more questions than answers as experts from both the Republican and Democratic sides weigh in on this challenging situation. As foreign leaders point and laugh at the United States, the largest force in the world, showcasing its best in one of the worst debate performances ever recorded, there is pressure to replace Biden with stronger leadership. The Democratic Party’s worst nightmares came true last week and it has to come to terms with the fact that Biden might not have the physical or mental stamina to stand up to a battle against Donald Trump.

As the debate concluded, Biden apparently felt “devoid of confidence,” according to sources, as he expressed concern to close family and friends about his weak performance. Addressing a crowd of supporters, Biden said, “I know I’m not a young man. I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know — I know how to tell the truth!” He stated that he would not be running for another term if he didn’t feel he was up to the task.

The next Presidential debate between the Democrats and Republicans is scheduled for September 10th.

In the video below, Matt Wallace compiled some of the worst most embarrassing moments of the debate. According to a recent poll, 72% of people do not believe that Biden has the mental capacity to be President of the United States. In a statement today North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum declared that Biden is “not capable of serving” in the White House, and that the weaknesses he is showing to the foreign public eye are endangering national security.

At one point, Trump said about Biden’s statement, “Look, I don’t know what he said and I don’t even think he knows what he said.” According to a CBS News poll, only 16% of respondents believe that Biden won the debate, while more than half think Trump did a better job.

Many wonder what would happen practically if President Biden were to choose to drop out of the 2024 race. It is an extremely complicated issue because he is already the presumptive nominee in this election. A majority of delegates would have to vote against him, and these very delegates were chosen by the Biden campaign. More questions remain on how things will unfold in the coming days, weeks and months ahead leading to November. Although reports are conflicted, the White House said the president currently has no intention of dropping out of the race.

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