55 Palestinians Released from Israeli Custody Including Director of Shifa Hospital


A new controversy has emerged after 55 Palestinians were sent back to Gaza after being held by Israel. The most controversial figure among them is Mohammad Abu Salmiya, director of Shifa Hospital in Gaza, who was arrested in November after allowing Hamas to use the hospital as a command center. He was charged with using Shifa Hospital as “terror infrastructure” and allowing operational use by terrorists.

Shin Bet has said that they approved the release due to lack of space in Israeli prisons, however the Israel Prison Service argued that it was ordered by the IDF. According to The Jerusalem Post, “there was never any concrete proof publicly produced” to show that Abu Salmiya had knowledge of what his hospital was being used for. He had given “suspicious answers” in interrogation and apparently that was not enough to hold him for seven months.

It is Monday evening in Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for the assembly of a team to vet prisoners before they are released, saying, “the release of the director of the Shifa Hospital is a serious mistake and a moral failure. This man, under whose auspices our hostages were held and murdered, belongs in prison.”

A “thorough investigation” is underway to determine how this kind of gross negligence could have occurred, causing an uproar throughout Israel.

Abu Salmiya, in a statement after his release, said, “There needs to be a clear statement by the resistance and the Arab nations in order to release the prisoners. The prisoners need to be present, on the table, in every negotiation until the prisons are emptied.” Over 4,000 Gazans have been imprisoned by the IDF, according to reports.

Below is footage of the newly released director of Shifa Hospital in Gaza, who turned the hospital into a Hamas terror center and held hostages inside:


  1. We got laughed at by the world (again)….
    Trump and Futterman should be in Israel – leading it – we are jerks

  2. Never Trump. He is a criminal and a nogoodnick. I don’t understand how anyone could vote for him. Hi is only interested. Kn himself and his ego.

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