Miracle: Bnei Brak Shechita Experts Saved From Plane Crash


A flight from South America to Uruguay made an emergency landing in Brazil today after the plane was damaged while in flight. The frightening reports are that the plane lost altitude quickly and almost landed in the ocean.

On board were Rav Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt, the chief rabbi of Bnei Brak, and his son, as well as Rav Avraham Nachman Guterman, a shechita expert headed to Uruguay to supervise shechita there.

In a huge miracle, the plane avoided landing in the water and was able to make an emergency landing in Brazil. Fortunately all passengers were ok and sustained only minor injuries. In a message to his family in Israel, Rav Rosenblatt reported that he is Baruch Hashem doing alright after hitting his head and getting bruised in the rough landing. He plans to go on with his planned trip.

Another Rav who works with Kehillot kashrus, Harav Avraham Nachman Gutterman, was mildly injured during the landing as well.

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