New NYPD Rule Requires Writing Up Low Level Stops


In a recent article by the NY Post, it is being reported that the NYPD is now requiring its officers to do more paperwork than ever in reporting even low-level encounters.

This extra work load on officers is controversial because it is affecting the ability of police officers to do their jobs effectively, now that they have to stop and complete paperwork over minor incidents.

Although NYC Mayor Eric Adams tried to veto the new law, in fear that it would overwhelm cops with too much extra work, taking away from their important duties, the council passed it anyway.

“We need our officers on patrol, not doing paperwork, but it’s the law, and we must follow the law,” said Mayor Adams in an interview with 1010 WINS.

Officers will use smartphones to fill out information about the types of stops and questions they ask people, based on the level of threat they pose.

The law is also controversial because it requires officers to mark down the race of the people they encounter, and that data will then be aggregated and used, possibly against minority populations. Others however feel that in order to keep police accountable for their actions, this law is necessary in preventing unnecessary traffic stops and racial profiling.

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