Yehudah Alcabes LCSW: Healing Through Humor, Therapy Meets Laughter-Improv Healing


Yehudah Alcabes LSCW on Let’s Get Real with coach Menachem, Sunday June 30th.

Healing Through Humor: Therapy Meets Laughter Improv Healing
Can Comedy Mixed with Therapy Heal Deep Wounds and Trauma?

Exploring the powerful intersection of comedy and therapy for deep emotional healing.
Can laughter and improv bring about significant recovery from trauma?
Delving into the therapeutic potential of humor in mental health treatments.
Combining the art of comedy with therapeutic practices to heal deep emotional wounds.
Is it possible that laughter truly is the best medicine for trauma recovery?
Investigating the role of humor in innovative mental health therapies.
How can comedy and therapy work together to promote mental wellness?
A closer look at the healing power of laughter in therapeutic settings.

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