Three IDF Soldiers Tragically Killed in Last 24-Hours


This morning, a roadside bomb in the Nur Shams refugee camp, Samaria, claimed the life of Sgt. First Class (res.) Yehuda Geto, HY”D, 22, and left another soldier seriously injured.

The explosion occurred as the soldiers were inside an armored personnel carrier, with Geto driving. During the rescue attempt, an IDF drone strike malfunctioned but later detonated, killing a nearby Palestinian woman.

Last night, two soldiers were tragically killed in an explosion in Gaza, the army announced today.

– Master Sgt. (res.) Nadav Elchanan Knoller, HY”D, 30, from Jerusalem, who served as a platoon sergeant in the 121st Battalion.
– Maj. (res.) Eyal Avnion, HY”D, 25, from Hod Hasharon, who was the Deputy Company Commander in the 121st Battalion, 8th Brigade.

תהא נשמתם צרורה בצרור החיים


Over a thousand people accompanied the late Sergeant Yehuda Geto on his final journey:

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