Brown Pushes to Protect Children From Dangerously Labeled THC Edibles


Assemblyman Ari Brown (R-Cedarhurst) joined a press conference in Albany calling for cannabis companies to explicitly and clearly label THC and cannabis-based edible products to prevent children from mistaking them for candy and overdosing.

The current labeling is misleading and can be easily mistaken for popular candy products. A recent report by the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows more than 7,000 confirmed cases of kids younger than six years old who have eaten marijuana edibles were reported to the nation’s poison control centers between 2017 and 2021.

“As a father of seven and a grandfather of two, I stand with my fellow legislators to do anything and everything to protect our most vulnerable, our children,” Brown said. “These products are dangerously labeled and extremely misleading, and we will hold these companies accountable to protect children.”


  1. Ari Brown does nothing for five towns residents. His office isn’t responsive to calls and he’s totally useless. What happened to fixing bail reform? What happened to getting money for our yeshivas? Brown is a fraud.

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