Assemblyman Ari Brown: “Democrats Rejected My Proposal to Prevent Animal Abuse & Domestic Violence


Today, Democrats in the Assembly have voted down a bill authored by Assemblyman Ari Brown (R-Cedarhurst) to prevent animal abuse and domestic violence. Brown introduced legislation that would call for an investigation into possible domestic violence or abuse for persons who have been accused of animal cruelty; otherwise known as Bella’s Law.

“It’s outrageous the Assembly Democrats shamelessly voted down this common-sense and heartfelt proposal. Animal abuse is directly linked to violent crime as well as domestic violence and child abuse. Democrats would rather embolden criminals than uphold and enhance the rule of law. This proposal would have helped prevent each crime before it happened –-saving countless victims from the horrors and tolls of abuse. As the state suffers from a wave of violent crime, Democrat leadership has again stonewalled legislation to combat these criminals,” Brown said.

New York currently lags behind neighboring states Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania where the maximum sentence is seven years in prison for willful and malicious cruelty to animals. Data suggests there is a strong correlation between animal cruelty and domestic violence. Taking these crimes seriously will protect the most vulnerable family members.

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