Councilman Robert Holden Calls For Targeted Operation Against Illegal Moped Activity in NYC


In response to the escalating issue of illegal moped and motorbike riders in the city, Councilman Robert Holden has taken decisive action to address the problem. On Thursday, July 27, Holden sent a letter to NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey and Chief of Patrol John Chell, urging the launch of a targeted operation against illegal moped activity in his district.

The rise in illegal moped riders has become a growing concern, with reckless driving, red light violations, and illegal sidewalk parking becoming all too common on the streets of the city. Commercial areas, such as Grand Avenue, Myrtle Avenue, Fresh Pond Road, and Metropolitan Avenue, have been particularly affected, becoming hotspots for moped-related issues.

While the increase in moped use is not a recent development, the situation has intensified dramatically in the past few months, prompting Councilman Holden to take action. In his letter, Holden highlighted the concerning number of mopeds parked illegally in pedestrian walkways, bike lanes, and other restricted areas. Additionally, he expressed alarm over the significant presence of mopeds without visible license plates, posing serious safety risks and hindering law enforcement efforts.

To combat this problem effectively, Councilman Holden believes that targeted towing efforts and regular patrols are essential. By implementing such measures, moped owners will be dissuaded from engaging in illegal parking and driving practices. Councilman Holden emphasizes that this collaborative approach with the NYPD will help curb the growing issue.

Furthermore, Councilman Holden emphasizes the importance of public awareness campaigns to educate both businesses and moped owners about parking regulations and the necessity of proper licensing. By raising awareness and fostering a sense of responsibility among the community residents, the hope is to create a safer and more orderly environment on the city streets.

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