Gaza Tunnel Miracle: IDF Soldiers Platoon Miraculously Saved From Hamas Ambush Attack


In the heart of a tense situation, Rabbi Yitzchak Sakhai recounts a harrowing episode that unfolded in the shadowy depths beneath Gaza. As tensions escalated, a group of IDF soldiers found themselves unwittingly perched atop an intricate network of tunnels, poised for a potentially devastating attack.

Soldiers, at rest after days of intense operations, suddenly become aware of their exposed position through a timely intelligence alert, B’chasdei Hashem. Urged to evacuate immediately, they make a silent escape into the unknown, guided solely by the uncertain knowledge that danger lurks beneath.

As the soldiers retreated to a safe distance, they kept watch for some time until a dark figure emerged from the underground tunnels, inching closer to the very tents where the soldiers had rested moments before. They immediately shot many rounds at him, and as his body fell back into the tunnel there was a huge explosion. The ammunition waiting to be used against them was accidentally detonated killing many more Hamas operatives in the tunnel system.

Footage source Stories to Inspire.

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