Local Bar Mitzvah Boy Makes A Difference Helping Israel’s Boys/Girls Celebrate With Joy


Aaron Faivish is a young local boy who attends Yeshiva of Darchei Torah and is in 7th grade. While thinking about his upcoming Bar Mitzvah, Aaron decided that during these trying times he cannot have his Simcha unless those in Eretz Yisroel would also be able to benefit.

A few years ago, his older brother Avi created a fund called “The Bar & Bat Mitzvah fund”, which sponsors and creates bar and bat mitzvahs for children who otherwise would not have had one, due to loss of a loved one, illness or financial hardships.

Following in the footsteps of his older brother, Aaron is stepping up and seeing how he can help others, specifically those young boys and girls in Israel, to celebrate their special day.

Read the beautiful letter written by the young sensitive Bar Mitzvah boy himself:

“Hi Everyone,

My name is Aaron Faivish, and I am a 12 year old boy celebrating my Bar Mitzvah in just a few weeks.

While my family and I are preparing to celebrate my special day, I cannot help but think of the Jewish world and the suffering that is taking place.

The world has not been the same ever since the October 7 attack in Israel. So many lives were changed in so many different ways by the tragedies and it has been on the front of all of our minds ever since.

As I celebrate my Bar Mitzvah here in NY, I wanted to do something to help my fellow Bar Mitzvah boys in Israel who have been affected and have not been able to properly celebrate what should be a happy, meaningful and uplifting event.

Although they are mourning the loss of a loved one, they still deserve to be celebrated.

I want them to feel that they are not alone, they are not forgotten, that they are thought of by their friends in America. I want them to have at least one day to remember and cherish forever.

We are raising money to help those boys in Israel, and I would love if you could help me out.

Every dollar that we raise will be sent directly to each Bar Mitzvah boy to sponsor a day of fun for them. Please help me make this happen.

Thank you!”

Mi Kiamcha Yisroel!

To assist Aaron on his important endeavor in honor of his Bar Mitzvah, click the link here.

Mazel Tov Aaron and may you and your family only see much joy and Nachas!


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