Daring Rescue Operation Details in Nuseirat: Hostages Freed After Eight Months


In the heart of the Nuseirat refugee camp, a bold rescue operation unfolded after eight months of captivity in Gaza. Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Shlomi Ziv, and Andrei Kozlov, kidnapped from the Nova party, were freed in “Operation Arnon,” named in honor of YAMAM fighter Arnon Zamora HY”D, who lost his life during the mission. This mission was an absolute miracle as always, see full details by the minute below. Hodu Lashem Ki Tov!

Thursday, 6:30 PM: After extensive planning, rehearsals, and advanced intelligence tracking over several weeks, the political leadership approved the operation, initially dubbed “Summer Seeds,” in a classified meeting.

Saturday, 10:00 AM: Disguised teams moved towards the Nuseirat refugee camp. They stealthily approached the two buildings where the hostages were held, passing unnoticed by thousands of Palestinians and hundreds of Hamas fighters. According to reports, they entered using a humanitarian aid truck, although the IDF denied this claim.

10:45 AM: Ground observations and Air Force technology confirmed that the area around the two buildings, each 3-4 stories high, was clear of suspicious activity. Noa Argamani was held in one building, while the other three hostages were in the second building with Gaza families and armed guards.

10:50 AM: Live footage and information from the area were transmitted to command centers, including the Shin Bet center in central Israel and the Southern Command in Be’er Sheva.

11:00 AM: The ground teams received the “go” command, approved in real-time by the head of the Shin Bet and the Chief of Staff. They simultaneously stormed the buildings to prevent alerting terrorists in the second target, which could endanger the hostages.

11:10 AM: Argamani’s rescue went relatively smoothly, but the second building’s operation was more complex. Commander Zamora’s team reported he was hit in the crossfire. Despite eliminating the terrorists, they struggled to save their injured commander while under heavy fire.

11:15 AM: The awaited message, “The diamonds are in our hands,” confirmed the hostages were secured.

11:20 AM: Dozens of terrorists surrounded the building holding the three hostages, with hundreds more approaching with heavy weaponry. The rescue vehicle was hit and malfunctioned, prompting the activation of a pre-prepared rescue plan.

11:25 AM: Air Force jets and helicopters launched munitions to isolate the area. Hundreds of soldiers from various brigades were mobilized, with naval cover from the west.

11:30 AM: Reinforcements and the Air Force managed to secure a safe escape route. Southern Command approved Air Force Yasur helicopters to land deep inside Gaza for evacuation, covered by aerial fire.

11:50 AM: The last special forces soldiers boarded the helicopters heading to Israeli hospitals. Despite efforts, Commander Zamora was declared dead upon arrival at the hospital. Reinforcement forces continued to engage and eliminate terrorists in the operation’s perimeter.

1:33 PM: The IDF, Shin Bet, and police officially announced the rescue of the four hostages, sparking spontaneous celebrations in Israel and among Israelis abroad.

May Hashem continue to perform miracles and may we witness the rescue of all the hostages speedily, with zero casulaties!


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