NY Police Foil Potential Attack Near LaGuardia Airport


A potential catastrophe was averted when police in Queens discovered a cache of weapons and NYPD and MTA uniforms in a vehicle stopped just blocks from LaGuardia International Airport.

Authorities reported that the vehicle contained an arsenal, including guns, axes, knives, and a baton engraved with the phrases “Left me no choice,” “you gonna learn today,” and an Arabic phrase translating to “Ask in God for forgiveness.”

The suspect, who had expressed anti-Israel sentiments online, was ordered to be held without bail in Queens Criminal Court after his arrest near the airport. During the stop, the suspect, visibly nervous, reached under his seat where officers found a loaded 9mm Glock pistol.

In addition to the Glock, police discovered a knife strapped to his leg, an MTA reflective vest, a makeshift axe, and a sword inside the SUV.

Overall, the police recovered nearly a dozen weapons, an NYPD bullet-proof vest, and 179 rounds of ammunition from the black Ford Explorer. Investigators also noted a concerning photo on the suspect’s Facebook page.

The suspect, who has addresses in Tennessee and Maryland but resides with his father in Queens, works as a self-employed mechanic.

Despite his lawyer’s request for reasonable bail, the judge sided with prosecutors and ordered the suspect held at Rikers Island without bail until his next court appearance on Monday.


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