BREAKING: Several 5 Towns and Far Rockaway Local Rabbonim Begin to Permit Porch Minyanim



Rabbi Eytan Feiner

13 I’yar 5780 / May 7, 2020

Lichvod the wonderful members of our community שיחיו,

We sincerely hope that this letter finds you and your families healthy and safe, and managing well under the current challenging circumstances.

On Rosh Chodesh I’yar, we disseminated a letter addressing the numerous calls and requests that had been presented to all our community Rabbanim regarding the possibility of issuing clear guidelines, in conjunction with medical professionals, for the establishment of safe and legal outdoor Minyanim, with safeguards in place to ensure that there is no significant risk.

At that time, after much careful consideration, 57 community Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva communicated a united and painful decision to bid the entire community against the creation of any outdoor Minyanim, with no exceptions whatsoever. The decision was based on the fact that, in a pandemic, the overarching Mitzva of Pi’kuach Nefashos mandates preventing any risk or danger that could increase the likelihood of illness and loss of life in our community r”l. We wrote in that letter that we would continue to reassess and reanalyze this decision on a regular and ongoing basis, in consultation with medical professionals, as new developments unfold.

At the current point in time, B”H our community has now maintained a consistently low incidence of new cases for an entire 14-day incubation period. This fact, according to many infectious disease specialists, indicates that the decreased prevalence of disease is real and sustainable for at least the short term. Additionally, due to our community’s adherence to the lockdown, virus infectivity rates have gradually decreased, and the reproductive rate of the virus is now estimated at a level wherein, if we maintain current protocols of social distancing, the level of infection will continue its downward trend, B’ezras Hashem.

Based on these facts, after assessing the level of overall risk in our specific community, many doctors now advise that outdoor Minyanim under specific circumstances, within strict social distancing protocol (and adhering to NY State legal guidelines), could be safely conducted, and would not present any additional risk to the participants or the community. This information is relevant only for our community at the present time, and is not to be applied to any other community.

Nevertheless, as the pandemic continues, and thousands in our community remain susceptible to contracting the virus, the paramount imperative of Pikuach Nefesh and our mandate to exercise utmost vigilance against risk remains critically important. As previously stated, when in circumstances of concern of potential sakanah, we are not obligated in Tefilla B’Tizbbur. Still, based on the above medical counsel, some Rabbanim will be providing clear guidelines for those individuals in their respective Kehillos who wish to daven with a safe and legal Minyan. Each Rav will endeavor to lead his individual Kehilla, based on demographics, location/block layout, and other factors.

We must all do our utmost to work together with mutual respect, achdus and a’havas Yisroel, and avoid any machlokes– especially in an eis tzara. Our achdus will be marbeh Kevod Shamayim, and will surely provide a great shemira to our entire community.

The following are the guidelines to ensure compliance with New York State law and strict adherence to protocols of social distancing.

Each family must remain solely on their own property, and at least 6 ft. away from any neighbor. We cannot currently allow Minyanim to form in a single yard, parking lot, or street, even when wearing masks and practicing social distancing [pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order {202.18} prohibiting non-essential gatherings of ten people in one place – whether in a public or private location- and we must avoid anything of questionable legality (though we naturally deem Minyanim most essential in our lives)].

The only way a Minyan could currently be allowed is for each family to remain on their own property (e.g. porch, front, or back yard), and join with others in their immediate vicinity- where participants can see each other without leaving their individual properties. When safe and appropriate, a few individuals may stand in the adjacent street to complete a Minyan– while practicing social distancing. [The Rabbanim will provide Halachik guidelines for requirements for “tzi’ruf” for such Minyanim, as well as various details of Hilchos Tefilla in these circumstances.] According to these guidelines, many will be unable to join in a Minyan, as the location of their homes would preclude forming and joining a Minyan without leaving their property. Nevertheless, the above guidelines present the only safe and legal way that Minyanim can currently be allowed.

Only OUTDOOR Minyanim are permitted. Under no circumstances may a Minyan be held indoors, even in the event of rain, and even for a Yahrzeit or other chiyuv. People may not gather on a single property or even on the street to schmooze before or after davening. One may certainly not make a ‘Tikkun’ or Kiddush, even for a Yahrzeit.

Although the wearing of masks is not required by law in such a setting, we nevertheless strongly encourage that masks be worn at all times when outdoors. As always, donning a mask does not allow any laxity in social distancing.

Individuals with underlying health issues, the immuno-compromised, the elderly, or anyone exhibiting COVID-like symptoms, may not participate in a Minyan. Children under Bar Mitzvah should not join.

K’rias HaTorah is only permitted if all a’liyos, leining, hagbah and gelilah are done exclusively by one family on their property. No one may bring siddurim, chumashim, chairs, or similar from one property to another.

Each Minyan should have a designated individual who is responsible to ensure that all guidelines are strictly adhered to. The individual should report regularly to his respective Rav.

We will, of course, continue to reassess and reanalyze this decision on an ongoing basis, in consultation with medical professionals, as new developments unfold. If there is, chas vi’shalom, any evidence of resurgence of new cases or a “second wave,” we will act quickly to take any and all necessary measures to ensure the safety of our community.

Our responsibility to be proactive and vigilant against any possibility of health risk and sakanah extends to far more than just Minyanim. We must all continue to exercise zehirus and to take precautions to avoid any health risk, and fully observe social distancing protocols in any and all of our interactions. We continue to daven daily that this mageifa comes to an end soon, and we should be able to return to our Shuls and Yeshivos. May we be zocheh to see refu’os v’yeshuos bi’karov, and share only besuros tovos henceforth IY”H.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Shabbos,

Rabbi Eytan Feiner

Rabbi Motti Neuburger


Message From The Rav – Urgent Regarding Block / Backyard / Porch Minyanim

Young Israel of Wavecrest & Bayswater

HaRav Eliezer  Feuer

To our wonderful members neighbors and friends. Baruch She’hechiyanu V’kiyemanu V’hegiyanu La’zman Ha’zeh !!!!!

It’s with tremendous thanks to Hakadosh Baruch Hu that we announce that the Rabbinic leadership ,with medical support and in conjunction with the advice of Agudath Yisroel and other community’s ,that we can begin having backyard/ porch minyonim !!!!

While many blocks have a easier time doing this …. some will have difficulty…..

I’m not saying that everyone should or must return to attending Minyan at this time. While in some communities most are attending still in other communities like Baltimore and Passaic the Rabbonim are still holding back for now and no minyonim are meeting !!

My advice is that we should still be very very cautious going forward. We do not want to declare the all clear sign to early. Still under our Rabbinical and medical guidance we can at least start to dust off a bit and slowly with caution begin …. while some may want to make these kind of minyonim others may not want to join and that’s perfectly ok !!! Please accept the opinion of your neighbors and don’t be judgmental whichever way they decide. Shalom is more important then “ A TZENTER “

I would advise that even these minyonim ,are kept to the minimum of Ten men all spread apart at the recommended socially distant distance !!!

Again we should not be having women or young children at these minyonim at all. Only those obligated to Daven with a Minyan should attend !!!

Under no circumstances should anyone make even the smallest slightest kiddush for this Minyan !!!!

Please please please make sure that although we have the green light to go forward with this , we still need to be cognizant of the following….. don’t let this get out of hand and invite more men to the Minyan M’tzumtzam. Also please don’t allow children who may be around because of the location to run around as this will only create a scene and defeat the plan.

We MUST be cognizant of our neighbors as we don’t live in Yerushalayim…. we must know that in Galus we are being watched and anything that may cause a ruckus and scene can make our neighbors upset nervous and lead to a unneeded Chillul HaShem as well as bad feelings in the neighborhood which Bh has become very quiet and serene.

I know some will say if its legal and halachicly permissible who cares ??
The answer to that is you should care and we can’t judge nor control the emotions and feelings of the human mind. Just like we don’t appreciate when some make loud parties with music late at night during the summer months we should make sure that we are mindful of our neighbors!! So please be extra aware and careful with these gatherings !!! We can and will make a Kiddush HaShem!!!

While we are excited that we can at least join a Minyan we should Daven hard that we can return to our shuls soon.

I would like to personally mention the incredible members of our neighborhood who stood together united and adhered to the call of the hour that the majority of the neighborhoods Rabbinical and medical leadership advised. Believe me your minyanless Tefillos all went up before the RIBONO Shel Olam and were accepted. How do I know ?? The answer is that we know chazal tell us the best way during the Yomim Noraim to be zocheh in judgement and have our prayers answered is by joining the KAHAL !!! The prayer of the KAHAL has tremendous power !!!!AY ,but you’ll ask me so how could our prayers have been answered if we had no KAHAL and we davened alone ???

RABBOSAI my dear Baal Ha’batim and friends hear me well !!!!! We who stood together united may not have had a Minyan of Ten, but you know what we had,  we had a United TZIBBUR of thousands of people who with tremendous Mesiras Nefesh LISTENED to leadership whether  we liked and agreed with it or not , we humbled ourselves and kept SHALOM in our neighborhood!!

We stood united and together with the fellow who lost a mother and sat shiva alone and had no minyan. We stood united together with the fellow who had Yartzeit for two parents in a week and davened alone. We stood united with the sweet Bar mitzvah Bachur who practiced and prepared  his parsha for a entire year and who at the last minute had no place to read it. We stood together united when  the chosson Kallah stood united almost alone by the chuppah they had always  dreamt of and now stood with just a few relatives with fear that perhaps the police will show up. We stood together with those who made Brissen without a Minyan and who named baby girls in the street without a Minyan or Sefer torah.

So yes we may not of had a Minyan but we had a TZIBBUR. Praise be those who will always be proud members of this ( not Minyan) huge collective TZIBBUR. I cannot think of a better Brocha then the words we say וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה yes it was a עסק a huge job to keep the guidelines and adhere to what many perhaps questioned and disagreed with. Know well for that we will all be rewarded with הקב״ה ישלם שכרם ויסיר מהם כל מחלה וירפא  לכל גופם !!!!

I feel so happy and glad at not only the news we can make the Minyan , but that we passed the test the last two months. Eight weeks of no shul no Minyan  oy oy it was tough.

Chevra don’t get complacent in this new setting as it has its challenges as well. We don’t want to remain this way for long as we wish to return to shul. If we Daven harder for that HaShem will listen !!!!!

I would appoint one member on the block to make sure that only ten join. If two Minyanim are needed on the block, make a second one with another “ Gabbiai “  this will alleviate many stumbling blocks going forward !!

Again please keep to the guidelines mentioned and may all be zocheh that we ALL be able to join once again together united in ….. Yerushalayim in the Bais Ha’mikdosh!!!

With happiness and trepidation
Rabbi Eliezer Feuer



From the Desk of

Rabbi Wolowik

I sincerely hope that this letter finds you and your family healthy and safe, and managing well under the current challenging circumstances.

At the current point in time, our community has now maintained a consistently low incidence of new cases for an entire 14-day incubation period. This fact, according to many infectious disease specialists, indicates that the decreased prevalence of disease is real and sustainable for at least the short term. Additionally, due to our community’s adherence to the lockdown, virus infectivity rates have gradually decreased, and the reproductive rate of the virus is now estimated at a level wherein, if we maintain current protocols of social distancing, the level of infection will with G-d’s help continue its downward trend.

Based on these facts,many doctors now advise that outdoor Minyanim under specific circumstances, within strict social distancing protocol (and adhering to NY State legal guidelines), could be safely conducted. This information is relevant only to the Five Towns community at the present time, and is not to be applied to any other community.
The following are the halachic and medical guidelines for the outdoor lawn minyanim / daily prayer services.
1) In order for a minyan to be halachically permitted we must insure that all 10 minyan participants must be on the same side of the street and that there is  no public thoroughfare ie: street or sidewalk  between the 10 minyan participants

2) Only OUTDOOR Minyanim are permitted. Under no circumstances may a Minyan be held indoors, even in the event of rain, and even for a Yahrzeit. People may not gather on a single property or on the street.

3)   I encourage all to wear masks at all times when outdoors not to allow laxity in social distancing

4)  Individuals with underlying health issues, the immuno-compromised, the elderly (65+), or anyone exhibiting COVID-like symptoms, may not participate in a Minyan. Children under the age of 13 should not join.

5) All participants must be able to see each other and hear the chazzan and torah reader at all times.

6) All people on your lawn must be people residing at your home.  Even if you are keeping 6 feet social distance non residents should not be on your lawn.

7)  While the Torah is being read:

The Torah must remain on 1 persons property and not switch locations

All receiving an aliyah must be from 1 family.

When there are not enough people to cover all the aliyas those in the family receiving the aliyahs should rotate in a way that no one receives 2 consecutive aliyahs.

When there is only 1 individual present on the property that the Torah is read, he should receive all the aliyahs.

In any of these situations where there is not enough for 8 aliyahs ( on Shabbat) Maftir is omitted and immediately after the 7th aliyah, hafotrah is read by the person who received the 7th aliyah. In this situation kaddish is omitted between the Torah reading and haftorah.

8) If someone disregards the above guidelines the minyan must stop immediately and the chazan or baal koreh may not continue until the situation is rectified.

9) If one cannot join such a minyan they should attempt to schedule their prayer during the same time that a minyan is taking place and they will not be considered at fault for missing out the opportunity of attending a minyan.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly

May we merit to see the eradication of all illness with the coming of moshiach speedily in our times.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Zalman Wolowik

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