5T Market – Grand Opening Customized Orders Through KolSave & of Helping Neighbors Program


Dear Friends,

Given the success of  5TMarket.com , this beautiful community project is now progressing from standardized boxes to customized orders with nearly 300 items available for curbside pickup through KolSave. We urge everyone to take advantage of this safe and affordable shopping option, and encourage families to be matched up anonymously to receive and sponsor discounts and free staples.

CLICK HERE  to place an ORDER anytime; the website will be updated periodically to indicate when present orders will be available for pickup


Many of us are now struggling financially while others are looking for opportunities to help others in a small way. You will have the option to match up anonymously with another family for: 10% and 50% Discounts: Receive or sponsor a discount for your weekly grocery order.
Free Staple Boxes: Receive or sponsor free staple items (chicken, pasta, eggs, tuna, oil, rice, etc.) weekly. All users (no matter whether they are making large donations or only receiving free staples) will be provided with the order numbers in the same format at the same safe distribution.

5T Market will provide charity receipts as a non-proft 501(c)(3) organization. 5T Market is run exclusively by volunteers.

CLICK HERE  to VOLUNTEER and join in this great mitzva!

Thank you!

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