Rav Jaegers Guidelines For Outdoor Minyanim to His Talmidim


כ”ח אייר תש”פ מ”ג למב”י
כבוד אחי רעי וידידי היקרים נר”ו

I can’t tell you how much I miss each and every one of you. ב”ה we have been able to learn every night on Zoom for these past months, but to see all of you would give me עונג נפש.

I would like to address the current situation in regard to Minyanim. אכשר דרא that craves so deeply תפילה בציבור.

To my understanding there is no scientific evidence that the virus itself has subsided (there are far less cases, but this is obviously because of restrictions). History has shown that epidemics and pandemics tend to stay around for a while ר”ל ה’ ישמרנו. There is no clinical evidence that gives us an excuse to be more lax.

ב”ה we have wonderful Rabbonim in our community who are taking this issue with the utmost seriousness, both on the legal and medical fronts. My respect goes to these Rabbonim, who have composed their decisions and guidelines. I am not aware of each Rov’s personal decision, and of course their מתפללים should follow their directions. I askמחילה from them if what I am about to suggest does not concur with their decisions.

אין אני אומר קבלו דעתי. I am writing to and just to our תלמידים & מתפללים. Experience has shown (even locally) that we have a natural tendency to be lax in these situations. As erliche Yidden, we gravitate towards each other, thereby forgetting the restrictions.

גאון הדורות רבי עקיבא איגר , in his famous letter to his תלמיד, הגה”ק רבי אליהו גוטמאכר מגריידיץ writes in his עצות for healthy actions during the מגפה of 1831-1832 that took place in Poland & Germany. When רע”א formulated תקנות for תפילות on ראש השנה ויום הכיפורים, he placed soldiers and police officers in each shul. The translation of the original German text is found in פסקים ותקנות רע”א דף ע”ב (you can find it on אוצר החכמה). I can’t imagine the awe and יראת הכבוד they had for רע”א, yet he insisted on police and army supervision! הפלא ופלא!

Therefore, even though I will be establishing certain guidelines now, they are in no way final. I doubt you will be able to put them into effect before שבת.

Minyanim should only take place in backyards.

No indoor Minyanim should be attended, even in rainy weather.

No porch, street, or front yard Minyanim.

If you feel uncomfortable joining these Minyanim, do not feel obligated to do so. (Many Rabbonim that I have spoken to, that are allowing these Minyanim, are not joining them. I myself, will not be going to these Minyanim.)

The Minyan has to registered, i.e. a ממונהwho keeps track of those who have joined and is in contact with his Rov.

A limit of 12 people to a Minyan.

Everyone is to be separated by at least 7 feet – try to say further apart. Fathers and sons over 13 that are living together at home can be near each other. Do not bring children under 13 to the Minyan.

Everyone must wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth, including the בעל תפילה& בעל קורא for the duration of the תפילה.

Each participant should bring his own Siddur, Chumash & chair.

No one other than the בעל קוראshould touch the ספר תורה, who should preferably do הגבה with gloves on.
No Pushka should be passed around.

DO NOT let משולחים

DO NOT join a Minyan if you are over 60, have medical issues, are obese, experiencing flu like symptoms, fever, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, coughing, shortness of breath, or a loss of taste or smell.

DO NOT join a Minyan if you have recently been in contact with someone who has Covid-19.

If you had Covid-19, wait at least 2 weeks before joining a Minyan.

Use your restroom at home, before joining a Minyan. DO NOT enter someone’s home to use their restroom.

No Kiddushim, Tikkunim, food or drinks to be served after davening.

Do not congregate after davening, please go home right away.

If someone does not strictly adhere to these rules, tell the ממונהto warn them. If they do not listen, leave the Minyan.

If the ממונהdoes not report any problems to the Rov, call the Rov yourself.

Hand sanitizer should be used if an object was inadvertently shared.

If the Minyan does not start on time, by the time ברכוshould be said – leave.

I reiterate, it is too close to Shabbos, to start this process on our own. To start Minyanim with our מתפללים, I insist that you register with me. Please email your registration to [email protected].

As far as שבועות, we will be diligently working on it. Please realize this is not a question of פיקוח נפש, even if someone ח”ו gets Covid-19, realize how much pain and discomfort they go through for weeks.

To quote רע”א again, שם דף ע”ז (loose translation) “one who transgresses (רע”א’s guidelines) he is liable (ה’ ישמור) with his life. Additionally, they are responsible for bringing tragedy (ה’ ישמור) by tripping others, and he will ultimately have to answer ליתן את הדין for himself and others .. and be scrupulously careful, for it is equal to שפיכת דמים (ח”ו).

I give you all a ברכה for Gezunt, מנוחת הנפש, Torah’dike נחת, and פרנסה ברווח.

May we be quickly זוכה to daven & learn together in our בית מדרש.

המצפה לישועה בכלל ובפרט ונזכה לראות הגאולה במהרה בימינו
אוהבכם הדוש”ת נפתלי הלוי יגר


  1. Personally, I have the utmosr respect for Rabbi Jaeger, as he his a true Gadol and a genyine Talmid Chochom.

    That is why it is so puzzling to see this letter. It seems that whoever is giving him his information is not reporting accurately. “To my understanding there is no scientific evidence that the virus itself has subsided”?!? But the truth is there have been no new cases our frum community in the last few weeks at all. Despite being pretty lax with SD rules, and despite people starting to get out and go shopping, the numbers are way down. Even the left leaning Governor and doctors say the situation has improved greatly.

    “Even if someone ח”ו gets Covid-19, realize how much pain and discomfort they go through for weeks”?!? That is also not accurate. Onlt a small minority, a miut d’miut, get very sick. Officials say that most people in our neighborhood already have antibodies, meaning most of us got it already. Most people who got it either had no symptoms or very mild symptoms and felt very little pain.

    Even Governor said he is ready to open the region this week. From the Governor’s speeches it seems that almost all recent cases are from nursing homes or from people who were in complete quarantine.

    And then he brings Reb Akiva Eiger, If I’m not mistaken, the cholerea during those times was so bad it made Covid-19 look like a common cold! And still Reb Akiva Eiger might have hired security, but he refused to close the shuls!

    This Shabbos, many shuls in our area opened with all restrictions of 10 per minyan and full SD rules in place. It worked perfectly with staggered minyanim and was done safely and lawfully..

    It seems from this letter that somebody is feeding this gadol some heavy misinformation. Is is surprising to see this letter coming from such a great man.

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