Hatzalah Founder Eli Beer Sharing Thoughts After Being ‘Sandek’ by Grandsons Bris


Yesterday was one of the happiest days in my life!

Earlier this year I would have said that this was the worst year of my life but baruch hashem it also turned out to be the best year of my life!!!

Holding my first grandson,גבריאל יעקב, and being the סנדק at his Bris yesterday made me feel very lucky!

I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank every single person who prayed for me and did good deeds in honor of my recovery when I was battling Covid19! It is a true miracle that I am alive an healthy enough to celebrate this amazing simcha with my family and I truly believe I got through this because of your prayers and good deeds!

Thank you to Gd for sparing my life and giving me a second chance so that I can here with my family and continue my life’s mission: saving lives and arriving to the scene within 90 seconds to help anyone in need no matter who they are!

Mazal Tov and thank you so much!

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