Agudah Shares Hopeful Update: NY Numbers Have Significantly Decreased in the Red Zones


Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today that the positivity rates have significantly decreased in the red zones. We are hopeful that this will lead to a relaxation of the restrictions in the near future.

Last night, Agudah representatives and other leaders met with Mayor de Blasio regarding the current lockdown crisis affecting the Orthodox Jewish community. Organized by Mr. Pinny Ringel, a key member of Mayor de Blasio’s staff, the community representatives spent over two and a half hours in honest and frank dialogue with the Mayor and Dr. Mitch Katz, CEO of New York City Health and Hospitals and engaged in conversation about the many critical issues our community is grappling with. We are hopeful that this important and unusually long, personal conversation with the Mayor will open the lines of communication and collaboration and lead to tangible results. Agudath Israel continues to press elected officials at all levels of government to work collaboratively with us to return our communities, businesses, shuls and schools to operation as soon as safely possible.

The numbers are going down! Slowly, but we’re definitely seeing the beginning of a trend, we hope. Remember, the numbers go down in direct proportion to the amount of you who test. When they go down enough, shuls and mosdos can reopen. We encourage testing, per the directive of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah, and so do the state and city governments.

Last night, Agudah representatives joined other orthodox leaders from around the city at Gracie Mansion for an over two-hour long meeting with Mayor de Blasio about what is going on in New York City. Some of the things discussed were whether negative test results are being included in the total count (not reporting them skews the numbers inaccurately), revising consent form language, the difficulties parents are having with home schooling, and childcare. We trust that this is the beginning of better dialogue with city hall!

The Agudah filed a notice of appeal about the denial of the TRO we requested on Chol Hamoed – we’ll be keeping you updated.

There are seven lawsuits pending against the governor’s “zones” executive order. They are from: 1) The Agudah; 2) The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn; 3) Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam; 4) The New York Fitness Coalition; 5) Turturro Law; 6) Monsey shuls; and 7) Brooklyn auto dealerships.

Should any of these lawsuits be successful in whole or in part, there’s a chance that the “red zone” restrictions will be relaxed, and that will directly impact the lives of acheinu b’nei Yisroel in those areas. We’ll keep you posted.

But! None of this is to say that we can forget about masking, social distancing, or any other health requirements. Vinishmartem ME’OD l’nafshoseichem!


  1. Don’t hope for “ lowering restrictions soon”
    Instead focus on keeping up the restrictions among the 5 Towns communities so that in one year or so (for sure it will not happen in 2021) that we can half way resume our “past easier lives”
    Not by lowering restrictions since %85 feels they are entitled to “no restrictions” and blame it on a false “virus” – if it’s so “false” why did so many perish in Israel, Europe and the USA??? Duhhhh…?!

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