Tonight: The Siyum of a Lifetime


Perhaps you remember how from the darkness of the pandemic emerged one of the most beautiful displays of achdus in recent memory: The Miracle Sefer Torah.

Inspired by the now-famous story of the Baal Shem Tov, who urged his townspeople to write a Sefer Torah to stave off a local plague, United for Protection commissioned a new Miracle Sefer Torah.

In just several weeks, every one of the 304,805 letters was claimed by a unique Jewish name. Jews from every corner of the world, from Brooklyn to London to Lakewood to Miami to Yerushalayim were united in one sacred klaf.

Now, nine months later, the writing of the Miracle Sefer Torah is complete. It is time to celebrate.

Tonight, at 6:30 pm ET, the Grand Siyum Sefer Torah will begin streaming live at

The event will feature the live completion of the Miracle Sefer Torah, first person accounts of the Torah’s story and impact, and a rousing concert with a lineup of the most prestigious and inspiring Jewish entertainers.

The stage is set, the ink and quill are standing by, the instruments are tuned, all that we are waiting for is you.

So gather your family, crack open a bottle of wine, and prepare to join the joy.

Sisu Visimchu Bisimchas Torah!

Let it begin.

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