Tehillim Needed: R’ Kelemer of West Hemptead in Serious Need of Tefillos


Dear Friends,

In the past few weeks, we have all been overwhelmed and struggling with Rabbi Kelemer’s illness. We rely on him for so much and he is such an integral part of each and every one of our lives, as well as the key force which holds our shul and community together.

Unfortunately, the Rabbi’s medical situation has become more delicate and his health more precarious. Therefore, we are asking you, the kehillah and community which he has dedicated so much wisdom and time to leading, guiding and supporting, to pour out our hearts together in tefillah to give him all the koach we can in battling these significant medical challenges.

Please join us at 7:45-8:00 pm tonight for a communal recitation of Tehillim on zoom (link at end of message). Every voice matters and helps.

Then at 8:00 pm, we are asking that everyone dedicate the time of 8:00-8:30 PM to learning Torah with the name Yehuda ben Rivka Leah in mind. Some suggestions would be topics related to Brachos (Halacha, etc) or Mussar topics.

We hope and pray that this, along with the countless other tefillos, chessed initiatives and efforts on the Rabbi’s behalf will give him the strength he needs to overcome his medical situation. With fervent hopes to hear besorot tovot, good news and wishes of refuah sheleimah

At this difficult time, we ask that you respect the privacy of the family.

Rabbi Goller and Arthur Cooperberg

Message from the Kelemer family:

The Rebbetzin would love to respond to everyone who has reached out in concern and with good thoughts to her about the Rabbi’s progress but is clearly not able to at this time , but the outpouring of love is noted and heartwarming to say the least and is a testament to the love that she knows everyone shared toward the Rav.

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