UPDATED: 800 Gallons of Oil Spilled on 878, From Overturned Oil Tank [Videos]



878 ALL CLEAR: After initial reports that the 878 may have one lane traffic for up to 1 week, we are happy to report that both lanes have officially opened back up in record time considering the amount of oil that was spilled.

We thank all the emergency personnel, Police and Fire Departments for their hours of service in helping our community return to normal.

Update from Village of Lawrence:

To all Lawrence Residents:

Please be advised that while the overturned oil tanker situation is being addressed, traffic remains at a standstill on a great many streets in and around the Village and travel plans should be adjusted accordingly.

Thank you

A gas tanker overturned on the corner of 878 and Burnside, spilling oil on the road and shutting down the entire surrounding area. Police, emergency units, firefighters and helicopters are on scene. Traffic is terrible all over leaving town.

Over 800 gains of premium fuel leaked in the 878 from the overturned oil tanker!

Many have been wondering why it looks like snow in the background of the previous video, that’s a foam placed on the oil in case there is a fire it suppresses it.

This can take hours to properly clean, expect delays in the area.

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