Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt Tonight at 9:30 Discussing Vaccines & Delta Variant, Booster Doses, Pediatric Cases and More


Rabbi Glatt will discuss:
1)  COVID-19 Epidemiological Update with an Emphasis on the Delta Variant
2) COVID-19 Vaccines and the Delta variant
3) Pediatric COVID-19
4) Are Booster Doses of the Vaccine Necessary?
5)  COVID-19 treatment updates
6) Yomim Noraim
7) Q & A Session


  1. Joe, I hope you don’t get seriously ill while waiting to find out!! Look around you, or better yet visit an ICU in the hospital, speak to the nurses!!

  2. He is a doctor. A doctor who can’t resist playing potitical pundit and telling people what’s right and wrong with his authoritarian complex. Noone voted him . Noone appointed him in the community as our voice. He speaks for himself . To the unintelligent troublemakers, stop it. You don’t serve a purpose of helping if you are acting like antifa and AOC. Consult your personal doctor. Do what you feel is right. This is not a vaccine in the traditional sense in the least. This is equivalent to the FLU “vaccine” . The fact that people who caught CCP virus (Chinese communist party) and didn’t take the vaccine , are having a very different reaction to the Delta variant then those who did. Every single scientist in the world agrees that natural immunity ( caused by getting the virus and building a genuine immune response) is a far superior and encompassing than a “vaccine” . Which is reported to by the way to have NDA agreements in place against reporting adverse reactions – they are treated as anomalies under the fact that this is qualified as “emergency use” by the FDA – which should be mentioned is an entirely political body. Do your research . Do what works for you. Stop trying control everything. Have faith in God. I fully support doing what you want . But just remember , if you force me to wear a mask to protect you , I will force you to wear a gun to protect me. Think about it 🙂

  3. Honestly can’t believe anyone still cares to hear what he has to say. He has been consistently propagating fear in the community well out of proportion with the reality on the ground. Many are aware of this by this point, but some insist on continuing to keep him on this pedestal and he never disappoints. Can someone please communicate to him to keep his fear mongering to his patients that signed up to be on his care and leave the rest of the community (including his shul, who are his constituents not patients) alone.

  4. Can someone please let Glatt know that we don’t care to hear his fear mongering and CDC worship? People who can think don’t need to blindly trust guidelines that are politicized and biased .

    What’s it going to take to finally silence Glatt?

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