Yossi Gestetner of OJPAC Sends Mayor-Elect Adams Letter Addressing The Hasidic Yeshiva Debate


Dear Mr. Mayor-Elect Adams,

You and your administration will sadly be trolled by noise makers regarding Hasidic Yeshivas. Therefore, I would like to make you aware of the three core points on this topic.

Legal: According to New York State law, private school students must receive an education that is at least “substantially equivalent to an education given in public school. However, its definition is abstract and therefore has little enforceable meaning. If the law is left unchanged, Yeshivas will continue to be in good standing as they were for years.

Curriculum: Hasidic boys as young as nine years old attend school for 10 hours a day which is longer than public school students do. “Judaic studies” encompass history, geography, mathematics, biology, ethics, and subjects that require critical thinking. Later in the day, the standard Yeshiva curriculum includes English instruction and science. As such, Yeshiva students are exposed to the core topics required to earn a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). Detractors of Yeshivas use the term “religious” studies regarding Yeshivas to suggest that the day is packed with stories and prayers rather than also including an all-encompassing educational program.

Outcome: Hasidic-populated neighborhoods shine with peace and tranquility: strong family and community foundations; employment and business; charitable institutions, volunteerism, and overall civic engagement: low crime rates; low infant mortality; practically no homelessness and almost no youth in criminal detention. All this is proof of an amazing education system. However, unique dynamics in this community- starting families at an early age and having larger families – skew some economic data points, which detractors use to obscure the overall amazing success among Hasidim.

I am looking forward to meeting you to discuss how the rest of New York City can be substantially equivalent to the great education and outcome seen among Hasidim.

Thank you

Yossi Gestetner

Executive Director

And of course here comes the opposition:

The Rabbinical Alliance of America responds:

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