Chesed Shel Emes Annual Siyum Mishnayos and Appreciation Event


Chessed shel Emes (Chevra Kadisha) had their annual siyum this week, and as always it was a massive success.

RNSP members who commonly volunteer on behalf of the community, among so many others who selflessly volunteer their time for this tremendous cause, were by the annual event.

The event was exclusively for Chevra Kadisha members, both male and female members were invited to join. The event is a gala sit down night of inspiration in appreciation of the devoted members who work around the clock for this amazing cause.

This mitzvah is called ‘Chessed shel Emes’ because the recipient cannot possibly repay those who took the time and efforts to prep the body for Kevurah.

As you can see below the selfless dedication of volunteers making sure every Jew in klal Yisroel receives a proper burial, even during this past weeks blizzard.

The following photos are courtesy of

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