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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Joint Organizational Statement on Purim and Sensitivity


Agudath Israel of America has released a statement on Purim and sensitivity in conjunction with several other Jewish organizations. The statement reads as follows:

This Purim, let’s ensure that, while celebrating the most joyous Yomtov, we exercise sensitivity towards our community and neighbors. It is very important to note the following as a way of generating Kiddush Hashem:

1. Do NOT use costumes that involve “blackface” (the practice of coloring the entire face in black/brown makeup):Throughout history white actors would use blackface while wearing torn clothing to mimic and mock Black slaves. This in part is why blackface is so painful to many in our community and our neighbors, especially in the African American community.

2. Hanging of Haman: For many years, the KKK and other racist groups, who murdered and lynched minorities, used a noose or a hanging doll to threaten and intimidate. Our fellow community members and neighbors often do not know Haman’s history and it’s extremely painful and insensitive in their view.

3. It is important to also choose costumes that do not stereotype any community group. Keep in mind that our community would also be offended if we were to be stereotyped should anyone use antisemitic tropes in choosing their costumes during holidays like Halloween.

Please take time to explain the severity of these practices to your children and the harm even one such incident could generate. Let’s celebrate a joyful Purim, without inflicting pain upon our community and neighbors. This is awonderful way of generating a Kiddush Hashem on Purim.


  1. Well it wouldn’t incite a pogrom if that’s what you’re asking. As opposed to the list above in such times most likely could cause terrible inflictions on Jewish life in America.

    Not giving children alcohol is a good idea as are many good health practices.

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