NYC: Fed Up Block Hires 24/7 Private Security Team Amid Surge in Local Crimes


Businesses and residents on a Greenwich Village block have taken security into their own hands by hiring armed guards. The move comes amid concerns about crime in the area.

The block, which is located between 6th and 7th Avenues, has hired armed guards to patrol the area 24 hours a day. The guards are provided by a private security firm, and they are equipped with walkie-talkies and pepper spray. In addition, the block has installed new security cameras, and the police have increased their patrols of the area.

In recent months, there have been several robberies and assaults on the block. In one incident, a woman was held up at gunpoint and her purse was stolen. In another, a man was attacked and beaten unconscious. Business owners say they are fed up with the crime wave and decided to take action. They say they will continue to hire armed guards as long as necessary to keep their businesses and customers safe.


  1. Kathy Hochul doesnt care about her disasterous bail reform because she has armed police guards protecting her paid by us! Armed guards for her, dangerous streets for us. VOTE HER OUT

  2. You certainly are ignorant GOP .. she could fire the D.A. And back the blue with hiring more police, get strict with double offenders.. and help change the bail laws…

  3. @ignorant gop Ha ha we know this person will for sure vote for hochul. What agency do you work for? Have you been beaten up yet by a felon who is out because the judge claims bail reform law. Actually hochul has an opportunity to fix the matter but refused to. the only person that is ignorant is you. What organization do you work for so the community can stop funding you.
    oh and here is the representative for far rockaway driving like a nut case

  4. @ignorant GOP
    Kindly stop shilling for unelected Governor Cruella.
    She and her cronies in Albany are making life very difficult for the regular guys. They need to be voted out as soon as possible and replaced by Zeldin and a group of normal legislators to bring some measure of sanity back to the area.
    Perhaps you live in a private guarded and gated community, but the rest of us don’t.

  5. I can’t believe there wasn’t even one mention of the reform bail laws, the “defund the police” movement, & the BLM movement and their contribution to the rising crime! The pandemic is responsible or this?? The pandemic is long over, man!

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