R’ Tzvi Yaakov Stein: Halachos of Fasting


*Zmanim for תענית עשרה בטבת, January 3rd 2023: Fast Begins – 6:06 AM, Fast Ends – 5:14 PM

⁃ There were four fasts instituted by the Rabanan in order to mourn the loss of the Beis Hamikdash.

⁃ They are: The seventeenth of Tammuz, The ninth of Av, Tzom Gedalia, The Tenth of Teves (Tannis Esther was instituted later for a different reason).

⁃ The fast starts at dawn (most say it’s 72 minutes before sunrise).

⁃ If you want to eat before dawn, it’s preferable to have it in mind before you go to sleep. However if you didn’t then you can still eat.

⁃ If you want to eat bread or an eggs worth of cake then you must begin eating at least a half hour before dawn.

⁃ Women can start eating the above even within a half hour of dawn.

⁃ If you feel uncomfortable then you’re allowed to brush your teeth and use mouthwash but make sure not to swallow (keep your head down).

⁃ Showering, listening to music, and shaving/taking haircuts are allowed but not preferred.

⁃ Laundry can be done on a fast day.

⁃ Medicines that don’t taste good can be swallowed.

⁃ If liquids are necessary for the medications then they can be taken with less than an ounce of water.

⁃ If you ate or drank by mistake then you have to immediately stop and you can’t eat any more.

⁃ If you realized that it’s a fast day after you already made the Bracha, taste a small amount of the food so that it won’t be a Bracha levatala.

⁃ Pregnant and nursing mothers don’t have to fast.

⁃ Some say that any mother within 24 months of childbirth doesn’t have to fast. Ask a Sheila.

⁃ If u feel sicker than a normal fast & medicine hasn’t/won’t help, or weaker than a normal fast, or faint, you can break the fast.

⁃ One who can’t focus properly at work should ask a shaila about fasting.

⁃ Children under the age of bar/bas mitzva don’t have to fast, not even for a few hours.

⁃ The fast end at nightfall which is preferably at fifty minutes after sunset and if necessary, 42 minutes after sunset.

⁃ Those that are traveling end the fast based on where they are at the end of the fast not where they were at the beginning of the fast.


⁃ Those that are fasting when davening Mincha should add the tefila of Aneinuduring the bracha of Shomeya Tefila in Shmeona Esrei. If it was forgotten, don’t repeat.

⁃ Those that aren’t fasting should preferably not be the chazzan and notget an Aliya to the Torah.

⁃ Avinu Malkeinu is said at both Shacharis and Mincha.

⁃ One davening without a minyan should say Avinu Malkeinu.

⁃ Maariv should preferably be davened before breaking the fast. If one has a set place to daven Maariv then they canbe lenient to eat before maariv.

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