Rabbi Dov Brezak: Taming The Storm of Chutspa in Today’s Generation


Rabbi Dov Brezak is a foremost figure in the world of Jewish education today. He has gained his experience over the last few decades as a parent, principal, author, lecturer and consultant. His ground-breaking bestseller book, Chinuch in Turbulent Times with Artscroll, has gained worldwide acclaim.

Rabbi Brezak addresses the specific challenges that parents and their children face in our turbulent times. His profound yet simple, straightforward approach is brimming with encouragement and practical techniques that speak to the heart and to the common sense of each and every parent; his every word is brimming with Torah values and a deep, all-encompassing love for every Jewish child.

Most recently, Rabbi Brezak has founded Chinuch LifeLines consisting of Trained Parenting Coaches available to help parents across the globe.

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