Powerful: Rabbi YY Jacobson “Our Soldiers Are the Holiest of The Holy”


What Should Be Our Relationship to IDF Soldiers?

Is Hakaras Hatov a halachic requirement, or just a nice thing to do?
Do we just feel gratitude, or do we need to say “thank you” or more?
Historically, did the Gedolim show Hakaras Hatov towards the soldiers of the IDF?
Why have a few Roshei Yeshiva said they are concerned about showing gratitude?
If Torah learning protects, why does Israel need an army?
Does the Israeli army enable those in Yeshiva to learn? Do those learning in Yeshiva enable the army to have military success?

Rabbi YY Jacobson addresses these questions on the Halacha Headlines podcast Hosted by Rabbi Ari Wasserman.


  1. god protects us not the state of Israel. there cannot be siyata dishmaya for a state which does not behave like the Torah wants. a state that allows the worst violations in the Torah and even glorifies them angers god and pushes off the arrival of Moshiach

  2. Part of the Divine plan is to have a state of Israel and to recognise that is a means of providing Jews with a place to which to return and observe the Torah. Yes it is by no means perfect and and its leaders are not Torah observant. However I firmly believe that until there is unity amongst us and these leaders recognise that Hashem is in control , Moshiach will not come. We have to work to mend the divide between the religious and non-religious and that is the challenge that Hashem is currently presenting us with. Unfortunately it has to take a war again to begin that mending process.

  3. Alan Morhaim-who told you it was part of the divine plan. One wonders how far a person will go to glorify the IDF. There are many issues in the IDF. I am not saying they are Rasha but there are many there that are Reshaim there in the army. We want the best for all of them and daven for their safety but lets not blow it out of the water.

  4. Dear Rabbi Jacobson, I dearly love you, enjoy your speeches, and your articles. You always convey your messages in plain English, which is extremely important for the Jews outside of the establishment.

    This time, however, you usef too many words and concepts from the Yeshivishe world, and, unfortunately, I lost a big part of your speech.

    Please take this message to your hart.

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